Chapter 3

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"What do you wanna do?" Ellie asks when she is done unpacking her stuff.

"I need music." Danielle says, walks back to her room and comes back with her guitar.

"I didn't know you played the guitar."

"I also sing." Danielle smiles while tuning her guitar.

"Wow, let me get my bass." Ellie says and gets her bass out of her room.

"Nice bass guitar."

"Thanks, I made it by myself." Ellie says and starts playing random chords. Danielle joins and starts singing a nonsense lyrics.

"You play amazing!" Danielle says while she stops playing.

"Thank you, same to you." Ellie smiles at Danielle.

"So do you have more hobbies?" Danielle asks.

"I free run sometimes when I don't want to be seen." Ellie says while putting her bass guitar down on the couch.

"Great, uhm shall we cook? It's getting dark already."

"I want pizza!"

"I don't think we have the ingredients for pizza." Danielle says while looking sad. "I think I saw a pizza place around the corner we can go there?"

"Where are we waiting for?!?" Ellie says excited and runs out of the front door.

"Why are you back?" Danielle says when she hears Ellie coming back.

"I forgot my shoes." Ellie says while putting her shoes on. Danielle grabs her keys and purse and walks together with Ellie to the pizzeria.


"I'm so hungry." Dean says while laying on his bed. He unpacked his suitcase after Jack 'won' the 'fight' over the room with the windows. Dean would sleep on the couch if he needed something to look at.

"Me too." Dean hears Jack saying from the other room.

"Shall we go find a place to eat?"

"Yeah, sure." Jack says, while jumping of his bed. He puts his shoes on and grabs his purse, same for Dean.

"Let's go." Dean says at the front door. There begins an awkward tense between the boys after they walked out of the boys complex.

"So...." Jack says after a little while.

"Uhm." Dean says thinking of a song he heard yesterday, not really caring about Jack.

"I think we should make a better start, I mean, we didn't got the best impressions of each other earlier today." Jack says and looks at Dean, who still is thinking about the song.

"Huh, what?" Dean says while looking up.

"I think we should get to know each other a little bit better, after what happened earlier today." Jack says again.

"Ah okay, uhm..." Dean says while thinking of a question. "Where do you come from?"

"I lived in the center of London, you?"

"In Madrid."

"Cool, I always wanted to go to Madrid." Jack says excited. "Tell me about your life there!"

"Well, I lived in Madrid, close to the center, with my parents and my sister. I used to go to a normal school and when I had spare time, I normally play guitar or go play a sport. What about your life?"

"I used to go to a rich school because my parents think it's better then all the other schools. Same as you I love to sport, I don't think I can live long without sporting. I lived in London with my older brother and my parents." Jack says while thinking of his parents and brother, he already misses them.

"So you are a rich kid?"


"Okay. Oh look there, do you like pizza?" Dean says while pointing at a pizzeria.

"Who doesn't?" Jack says and the boys walk into the pizzeria.

They order their pizza's and go look for a place to sit.

"I don't think we can sit somewhere." Jack says while looking around.

"Wait, over there are two girls at a four seater table, maybe we can join." Dean says and walks to the girls. One of them has white hair and the other one black, just like Yin and Yang.

The girls laugh while eating their pizza but stop when Jack and Dean arrive at the table.

"What do you want?" The girl with black hair says.

"Sorry to bother you but there is no other table left can we sit here?" Dean says while looking the two girls in the eyes.

"Uh-" The girl with white hair says but is being cut off by the black haired girl.

"No." Blacky says.

"Well..." Jack says while looking for an other place to sit.

"You can come here, don't be so mean towards them." The girl with white hair says.

"Thanks." Dean says and goes sitting next to the white haired girl and Jack takes his seat next to the black haired girl.

"I still don't like it." The girl with black hair says while eating her pizza.

"So who are you?" White asks.

"I'm Jack and this is Dean, we just arrived here." Jack says.

"Same here. This is Ellie and I'm Danielle." White smiles at us.

"Nice to meet you." Dean says while concentrating on his pizza.

"I want a second pizza." Ellie says and gets up to get her pizza.

"Okay." Danielle says and watches Ellie leave.

"Is she always like that?" Jack whispers.

"Nah, only with strangers I guess, we met a few hours ago."

"Interesting." Dean says and eats his pizza.


1 hour later

"NO I WANT MY FOURTH PIZZA!" Ellie yells when Danielle is about to leave the pizzeria with the boys.

"You eat a lot you know." Jack says while looking at Ellie.

"Nah." Ellie pouts.

"Fine but you are going to eat it at home and not here." Danielle says.

"Yeay!" Ellie says and runs to the order desk.

"At least it's not my money." Danielle says while looking at the boys who also got up from their seats. "Wow you are tall."

"Wow you are little." Jack and Dean laugh.

"You are mean." Danielle pouts.

"I HAVE MY PIZZAAAA." Ellie says walking to the exit. Danielle, Dean and Jack follow Ellie and walk to their apartments.

"Can I have a slice?" Dean says while looking into Ellie's pizza box.

"NOOOO MY PIZZAA!" Ellie yells and slaps Deans hand away.

"Fine..." Dean says while rolling his eyes.

"Where do you live?" Jack asks.

"Up there." Ellie says while pointing at Danielle's and hers apartment.

"Funny." Dean smiles.

"What?" Danielle asks.

"We have our apartment on the opposite." Dean says while looking at Danielle. Danielle starts blushing while looking to the ground. "Why are you blushing?"

"It's nothing." She smiles at Dean.

"Yeah of course." Jack smirks. Ellie slaps Jack.

"What was that for!?" Jack asks Ellie.

"Because you are an idiot." Ellie simply answers.


So at this chapter you saw more from Ellie, Danielle, Jack and Dean. I hope you liked it and please give some feed back about this story in the comments.

Greets :)

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