Chapter 6

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"This spaghetti is delicious!" Ellie says while eating more of the spaghetti Danielle just made.

"Thanks." Danielle says and looks at Jack and Dean. "Do you like it to?"

"Yes, I love it." Dean says and Jack agrees.

"I'm glad to hear that." Danielle smiles.

"So what about the eye thingy?" Dean says, looking up from his almost empty plate.

"Huh?" Danielle asks while putting spaghetti on her fork.

"That they change from colors?" Ellie asks putting her fork and knife next to her now empty plate.

"Yeah, isn't it strange that we all had the same invitation at the same time?" Jack asks.

"True." Danielle says while eating the last bit of her spaghetti.

"Waaaaaaaaait, how do you know that." Ellie says giving Jack a suspicious look.

"Well, Dean told me he got it the same day as me. I guess it was the same with all of you." Jack says while looking with an innocent look at Ellie.

"Okay.... Which date did you get it?" Danielle asks.

"November first." Dean says while giving Ellie and Jack a 'you guys are so weird' look.

"Yeah me to." Ellie says looking at Danielle.

"Same." Danielle says.

"Told you, strange......" Jack says.


Next morning

Brad wakes up from his alarm and walks to his kitchen. He prepares some cornflakes and walks to the breakfast table. He eats his food while looking outside of his window, seeing Allison in the girls complex.

Allison just walks around while calling someone, probably Isabella.

When he is done eating, he gets up and puts the bowl in the sink.

'I will do that later.' Brad thinks and walks to his dresser. He puts on his school uniform and grabs his books for today. Geography, Math, Music, PE and last Biology.

Brad leaves his apartment and knocks on the apartment door from Steven.

"Dude open up." Brad says, knocking again after a minute.

"Chill, I'm here." Steven says while opening the door.

"Alright." Brad says and the boys leave for school. They can walk to school, so don't have to take the bus.

"So what is that with your eyes?" Steven asks, not really interested.

"I don't know bro, they just change from color when I change from mood." Brad says.

"Cool." Steven says while looking at the ground.


"Dean, put those earphones out!" The Geography teacher, Mr. Frankson, says to Dean. Dean quickly puts his earphones out and gives the teacher an innocent smile.

"So class, today we are going to start a new project. You will be making an report about a land to your groups choice. I made the groups, I'm not going to change so don't ask for it or you will get an F." The teacher says and hangs a paper on the blackboard. "Here are the groups. This needs to be done in 2 weeks, plus say to me which land you picked, so their won't be two groups with the same country. Good luck everyone." He adds and walks away from the blackboard while the students get up from their chairs.

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