Grave's Plan

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Grave stands in the training center tapping his foot impatiently waiting, the note to Steve and Greg should have arrived by now. He glances back over to where DNAx is talking to the creeper and enderman.

If they are self-aware that means others of their kind are also self-aware... that means if it came down to a fight with the Villager King he can beat the villagers at their own game. Imagine... all the endermen and creepers under his and the Resistance’s command, they would be unstoppable.

If only the others would agree with him, he knows Burrito doesn't understand. It's a perfect idea, and Burrito can't just shrug off the Villager King’s threat.

The leader of the Resistance is making a plan in his head, if all goes well he can convince the enderman and creeper to get their kind to fight for him and defeat the Villager King and his dumb army.

Suddenly there's a rustle and walking down one of the paths into the base’s main clearing, it’s Steve and Greg. Grave’s chest tightens slightly as he sees his past rival but calms himself, they are allies now. Subtle friends maybe. The players are both wearing diamond enchanted chestplates and helmets. Steve points over to Grave as he sees him.

The two make their way over and Grave walks over to meet them.

“Well, long time no see...” he says.

“It's only been a few weeks” Steve comments, “surely nothing big could have happened by then.”

Grave shrugs, Steve holds out a hand to shake hands.

Weird... who even does that. Grave thinks but shakes his hand anyways awkwardly. Greg is looking around the camp for the enderman and creeper.

“Right, this way, i should... introduce you to our new... friends” Grave gestures.

“Ah, yes of course” Steve follows him back around to the campfire that has been patched up now from Scute’s explosion.

“Warning, the creeper is very... energetic” Grave murmurs as they near, “and the enderman is quite the opposite.”

Steve raises his eyebrows but doesn't say anything in response. Scute seems to notice them immediately.

“OH NEW PEOPLE!” he exclaims and prances right over.

“Scute, these are-” Grave starts to say.


Grave facepalms,

Has anyone taught this thing any manners!?

“I'm sorry what?” Greg asks.

Scute starts to open his mouth again to repeat his big statement.

“So that's Scute and his girlfriend Leelo” Grave says quickly to Greg.

“Girlfriend?” Greg’s eyebrows go up.

“Y’know every ten year old’s idea of a girlfriend” Grave shrugs pointing to Leelo half hiding behind DNAx who is standing there frazzled from his time spent with the creeper.

“Yeah I'm sitting out of this one” Greg says.

“What's the real plan?” Steve asks as Greg saunters away.

“What?” Grave asks.

“You don't just invite us over to the Resistance to meet mobs” Steve notes.

Grave stares,

He's already onto my idea.

“Well since all mobs are self-aware apparently... they could be a help to us against the Villager King” he says carefully.

“You want a war? With the villagers?” Steve asks, “and you want to recruit creepers and endermen for your army?”

Grave tries not to get all defensive immediately.

“If there is an ambush or something” he says, “we are waiting for Foxjin and Colder to get here to talk...”

“Grave...” Steve starts to say.

“Just don't say anything to them” Grave looks away and walks inside to get Burrito. Steve stares after him uncertainly then goes to sit by Greg.

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