The Walk

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“-And then Powie told me, fail once, succeed twice the rule of redstone!” Leelo says.

“Oooo” Skymint claps.

“I hate redstone” Foxjin murmurs, first thing she's said in hours.

DNAx rolls his eyes slightly then glances towards Burrito who is walking alone.

They are walking on the path they went on last time to get to the mansion now that they know the way. This will be the first time they've been to Herobrine’s home since the battle in which they all made peace.

So far Skymint and Scute had become best buddies and Leelo had told many stories about her brother named Powie. He seems quite nice, it's sad he's gone now. From what she said about the explosion his essence was tainted perhaps infected by the redstone, and everyone called him a monster after, that was why he left.

“MAN, I LOVE talking to this guy!” Scute says nodding towards Skymint “he and his friend are FABULOUS!” 

“Oh no not another one” Grave groans “isn't one enough.”

“ONE WHAT?” Scute asks.

“He means another Skymint” Burrito translates.

“What does fabulous even mean anyway?” Grave asks dumbly, “nevermind I'm going insane.”

“It means FABULOUSSSS!” Skymint says.

“Fabulous can mean something is amazing, extraordinary, or wonderful,” Leelo interrupts quietly.

Everyone stares at her, and she blinks in embarrassment at her outburst and looks down at the ground.

“That's a lot of FABULOUS MEANINGS” Scute says then starts laughing at his own joke.

Grave sighs,

“Ok, well now that we are all friendly and stuff-” He looks over at Leelo and Scute who are distracted with Skymint and Napalm.

He sighs again.

“Ok where are we right now?” Burrito asks suddenly deciding he's gonna be the technical one.

“I dunno, on the path” Grave replies, Burrito looks away from him, dropping back to walk alone again.

 “Stop being so loud!” Grave throws over his shoulder at Scute and Skymint who are stomping loudly and making lots of noise.

“Sorryyyy” Skymint rolls his eyes.

It gets suddenly peaceful after that as they walk through the trees, the moon seems to be casting a glow on everything. It’s full and bright.
Colder stares up at the sky, the stars are out too, not a cloud is in sight.

“It's so cool,” DNAx says then taps his eyes “turning night vision off” he tells Foxjin and Colder then looks back up at the sky.

Burrito drops back to walk by them also.

“What are we looking at?” he twirls his chain necklace in his hand.

“Shh” DNAx shushes him.

He blinks then nods falling into silence, it's rather peaceful. Maybe this trip is worth it after all.


Powie sneaks through the trees not daring to teleport as the noise would startle and alert these beings to his presence. He even sees an enderman with them and a creeper.

If that thing blows up, I'm doomed, he thinks as he watches the group.

They've fallen into silence now, before they were stomping very loudly, alerting everything to their presence.

He can tell they are going somewhere; he needs to give Erebus the signal to tell Bebal to lay the trap.

Suddenly the enderman turns its head and stares right where he is hiding behind a tree.

He lets out a gasp.

Leelo he thinks accidentally transmitting the thought to Erebus.

Oh no. He shouldn't have done that, now Erebus will doubt that he managed to push his sister out of the End and kill her. He will think Powie lied to him. He should be more careful with what he thinks. Erebus could read his mind for all he knows. Erebus is a very powerful enderman from meddling in the brine magic.

Leelo you mean your sister? but I thought she was dead! Erebus’s voice transmits back in his head.

“She's very much alive” Powie murmurs.

You lied to me, Erebus transmits, the transmission is a cold tone.

 I didn't know, this time she will die, Powie replies to him.

  But in the back of his mind he is thinking,

This is gonna make things much harder.


“Hey look that's where I came out of the trees” Steve points out the landmark where they had met him on the first journey to Herobrine’s mansion, when he had joined the group.

“Oh yeah...” Grave agrees.

Everyone is getting exhausted at this point and they are trying to find a good place to stop and rest, going at night probably wasn't the best idea after all.

“Ok ima just sleep here,” Grave sits down finally under a tree with a sigh.

“No campfire?” Burrito asks.

“Nah, it's warm” Grave yawns and soon is leaning against the trunk falling asleep.

“Well I guess we’ll stop here” Burrito says finally glancing at how undercover he can get everyone.

Steve sits down next to Greg with a yawn.

Colder looks over at Foxjin who is already finding a good tree to keep a lookout for any mobs, she never seems to sleep unless she's in her home at the ravine.

He sits down under another tree.

“Ugh” DNAx says “I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.”

He lays back in the grass, his bad mood evaporating, he yawns and closes his eyes. Burrito sits by the tree next to him but doesn't disturb him, he stares into space.

It's a little worrying when him and Grave aren't strategizing together, having friendship problems is never good. Burrito always keeps Grave in check now Steve might have to try and do that. Colder doesn't want more difficulties on this journey and he’s sure no one else does either. He just wants to see Nico again, that's a good reason to do it isn't it...? Maybe...

Colder sits a little off from everyone else, he has to think like always. The night is warm and reminds him of past summers with Nico when they were young, except there isn't any fireflies here. He can remember their shining darting shapes and how he and Nico would run around and try and catch some in jars before letting them go again. But he can't focus on anything right now.

His brain is whirling from what's all happening, they are making a trek to Herobrine’s Mansion to help a creeper and enderman they just met. The creeper also blew Grave and Burrito up, now they are sleeping against some trees a little off from the villager trading path and just hoping they don't get ambushed. Foxjin may be on lookout, but she wouldn’t be able to wake everyone up in time. One person can't kill all the villagers before they get to the others. Everyone should keep watch.
He feels a bit like he's overthinking it, but he stays awake anyways watching her silhouette sitting on the tree branch staring at the moon.

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