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She creeps through the woods nearing the place she was meant to go. Her foot suddenly hits a root and she goes sprawling.

“Ow,” she mutters, picking herself up and checking out her scraped knee. Well that could be helpful at least. She keeps walking looking behind every once and a while making sure she isn't being followed by anyone or anything. She knows she's looking for players and is relieved when she finally hears voices. She quiets her steps even more ducking behind a tree. She peeks out watching the group. 11 of them...

There are some mobs traveling with them, strange. Usually mobs and players don't ally unless there is some sort of deal, that's how it's been for her. She can't hear what they are saying. She stays hidden behind the tree before choosing the moment to walk out and introduce herself.


“Well,” Grave says turning away from Scute and Leelo “based on where we are right now we could get to the second resting place by tonight and stay there till morning.”

“And get sleep?” Burrito asks.

“If we move fast enough,” Grave replies, “we need about 8 hours to get there so we would arrive by midnight.”

“Ok,” Burrito replies “then from there we should arrive by the end of tomorrow.”

Foxjin suddenly tenses, her eyes narrowing as if sensing something, her hand tightens around her bow. Colder tenses as well knowing that something must be watching by her behavior.

“Where are you going?” a female voice suddenly asks from the trees.

They all immediately jump up weapons ready.

A girl steps out of the oak, she looks harmless, no weapons on her, her hair is a very fiery red orange compared to her very cool blue eyes. She wears an orange tee shirt with black armbands, she has a little fire emblem on one cheek.
her knees are scraped as if she'd fallen at some point or ran into a tree branch.

She blinks at all of them.

“I come in peace...?”

“Intruder alert pew-pew!” Skymint yells running up holding up his hands like guns at the new person. 

She just stares at him then smiles.

“Oh hello” she says, “you seem like a nice gentleman.”

Grave snorts at that, Skymint isn't a gentleman, not in the slightest.

“Uh,” Skymint seems stunned.

“Ok who are you?” Grave asks, “where do you come from?” He approaches her with his swords still out, sending a message of his power.

“Oh, I'm not sure, I was running,” she replies looking behind her.

“From what?” Grave asks, “and can we trust you?”

“You’re the ones pointing weapons at me,” she puts her hands up, shifting slightly to one side.

“True,” Grave lowers his sword slightly seeing she has nothing to attack them with, Foxjin and Colder don't though.

“So, you just exist?” Grave asks suspiciously “you must have come from somewhere.”

“I came from the Villager Kingdom” she says finally, “do you know what that is?”

That stops Grave for a moment,

“Wait... the villagers have players on their side?” he asks raising his swords again.

“No, I was a prisoner” she replies, “and I escaped” she smiles warmly, “Could you maybe point me in the direction of a safe place to stay?”

“You... did they follow you?” he gestures to her scraped knees.

Foxjin and Colder 2Where stories live. Discover now