Thrown Into Another Mess

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The group is trudging along and it’s very dark out, the sun had set long ago, they should reach the second stop in a few hours. With their new member there is more people to keep track of.
Colder finds Venus a bit interesting, what player gets captured by the villagers, especially the Villager King himself. Maybe she was attempting to steal, she doesn’t seem very dangerous and based on her scraped knees she’s not too agile.
Everyone is just walking as fast as possible, Skymint, Scute and Napalm lagging behind because they’d worn themselves out.

Leelo is telling another hushed story, something about how her and Powie would speak telepathically at night while their parents were asleep. She calls it transmitting and Skymint and Napalm look super entertained by the idea of enderman being able to speak telepathically.

“We’re here...” Grave finally says stopping in the smaller secondary clearing.

“Oh thank goodness” DNAx yawns.

“Grave GRAVE! Did you know endermen can transmit things into other endermen’s minds!? Isn't that FABULOUS!” Skymint exclaims to him.

“Sure, very fabulous” Grave replies tiredly too exhausted to tell him off.

A lot of the people here don’t seem to do so well without sleep. Colder feels just fine from his few hours, based on what he knows Foxjin hasn’t gotten any.
Everyone finds places to sleep, and Grave doesn’t bother to make a fire, getting a good rest now will help tomorrow. Colder sees Foxjin staring up at a tree then she shakes her head. She sits down under it instead.
He goes to sit by her and she doesn’t tell him to go away.

“Big waste of time” she murmurs.

Her eyes are trained on Venus, she doesn’t seem to like her. Although Foxjin doesn’t usually like anyone from the first meeting. He thinks Venus is only a little suspicious, the only thing she has is the sword Grave gave her, plus there’s one of her and ten of them. She’s probably not gonna cause any trouble.

Foxjin’s eyes finally flit away from her.

“I’m trying to find a reason to dislike her” she murmurs, “because I do.”

“Because she tried to guess your strengths and weaknesses?” Colder asks.

“Yeah... too curious” Foxjin wrinkles her nose, she lets her bow rest by her side, “she knew... too much about me.”

“How so? She was wrong you're not much of a sniper,” Colder replies.

“Didn't you notice, she said “she”, she knew i was a girl right from the start” Foxjin narrows her eyes more.

“Oh yeah” Colder looks over towards Venus too, anyone that meets Foxjin for the first time always assumes she's a guy. But it's true, Venus did seem to know right away.

“Well, wake me if anyone dies” she lays down on the grass, this is the first time he’s seen her sleep in the group like this. He figures if she’s sleeping then they are probably safe. Unless Venus tries to chop their heads off.
That sounds dumb just thinking about it.

He also lays down to sleep deciding it's safe, he keeps his sword nearby knowing he would wake up if anything happened, it is part of being a skilled fighter, to know when you’re in danger even when you’re asleep. 


“Grave” someone prods his arm interrupting his sleep, “Grave i want to talk.”

“Ugh... Burrito go away” Grave groans waving his hand.

“It's not Burrito” the voice continues. Grave slowly opens his eyes and stares up at Steve who is leaning over him.

Foxjin and Colder 2Where stories live. Discover now