Evil Never Wins

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“So you're telling us there's evil people with magic like you that come from other universes that have decided to come to this one and kill all the players and then provoke and destroy you?” Chris asks breathlessly as he walks by Herobrine.

“That's exactly what I'm telling you” Herobrine suddenly halts, there's the sound of a firework and purple sparks go off in the sky.

“That direction” he says.

“So this is all your fault then” Aqua murmurs following right behind them, “because they are mad at you for giving up the evil magic before it consumed you and siding with us.”

“Yes” Herobrine nods, “yes...” he repeats quieter.

“Then what sort of magic do I possess anyway if it's not from the brines?” Aqua asks, “it makes no sense how I would have gained my lightning without it.”

“I thought it was brine magic but I was wrong, your aura just isn't... it's wrong somehow” Herobrine replies, “and yet you could also sense the feeling of the dark poison in our world, just later than I did. You must be closely linked with the magic but don't have it.”

“My head is going to explode” Chris says as he almost trips again keeping up with the both of them while listening.

“I seen purple” Band provides.

“I seen too” Pink chimes in.

The two of them are going slower than the other three players, being past zombies of course they aren't as nimble and fast. Even in their player forms because just no matter what they can't seem to get the hang of it. Skelly had tried for a while to train them but it didn't seem to work out as well, player turned zombies don't pick anything up as quickly as him or Aqua did.

“Do you think Colder is alright” Skelly asks walking in front of Pink and Band, he is a player right now too, like most of the time nowadays.

“He probably will be for now, we must hurry though” Herobrine keeps walking briskly.

“I hope friends are ok” Band says seriously, first serious thing he or Pink have said so far.

Chris nods,

“Me too...”


Leelo screams as she runs desperately from her brother, now she's circling back towards the clearing, Scute is still following somewhere behind her and Powie is still teleporting trying to grab her.

You’re infected with the redstone! Powie this isn't you! She transmits to him.

This is me. I am not infected Powie’s voice comes back, cutting and cold in her mind, nothing like how she remembers him.

She circles back to the clearing, the players she met will help her, they are strong. The only way she will make it out alive is if she makes it back to them.

“LEELO” Scute’s voice exclaims, he has managed to catch up to her making a shorter circle than her and Powie. She tries to reply to him but her brother teleports right in front of her. She stares at his damaged eye and his cold expression, nothing like the Powie she once knew.

Scute starts to flash white, Leelo’s eyes widen as she’s blown back into the bushes tucking and rolling unharmed. She hears Powie’s muted scream, her ears are ringing as she sits there for a moment. She then gets up and keeps running.

All the sudden she feels a dark feeling, like something powerful. She looks behind her quickly, scared it’s Powie. When she looks back she sees figures emerging from the trees. The leader has glowing white eyes and a red cape trailing behind him. Walking with him are four other people. Her fear spikes as she sees the leader; he must be another ally of her brother and his cursed new friends.

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