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Sheena wiped the sweat from her brow, feeling the exhaustion settle into her bones after another long shift at the hospital. She was already halfway out of her scrubs, ready to clock out, when Dr. Santos, the head of the ER, came rushing toward her.

"Sheena! We need you to stay."

Her shoulders slumped slightly, but she quickly straightened up, forcing herself to focus. *Duty first*, she thought, reminding herself of the oath she had taken. The Hippocratic Oath. She had made a vow to help people—to save lives whenever she could. There was no question in her mind about what she would do next.

"Of course, doc. What's going on?" She asked, already moving to wash her hands and prepare for another long night.

"May malaking aksidente daw. Multiple casualties are being brought in," Dr. Santos explained, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need all hands on deck."

Sheena nodded, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. She quickly slipped back into her scrubs, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. She had been through this before—mass casualty incidents, long nights in the ER where time felt like a blur of blood, antiseptics, and frantic energy. But each one felt different. Each one weighed on her heart, knowing that lives were hanging in the balance.

Just as she finished prepping her station, the sound of ambulance sirens pierced the air. One after another, they pulled up to the hospital entrance, the flashing lights painting the walls with an ominous red glow. The ER staff moved in sync, their years of experience showing as they directed the paramedics and assessed the patients being wheeled in on stretchers.

Sheena took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. *Okay, focus. Save as many lives as possible.*

She rushed to the first stretcher, quickly assessing the patient's condition. Severe head trauma, broken ribs, and multiple lacerations. Her hands moved automatically, years of medical training kicking in as she worked to stabilize the patient.

But something gnawed at the back of her mind. *What kind of accident caused this much damage?*

She was about to ask one of the paramedics when the TV mounted on the corner of the ER flashed a breaking news report. The room seemed to freeze for a moment, the voices of the reporters cutting through the frantic atmosphere.

"BiniVerse Airlines Flight BV-065 carrying passengers from Singapore to Manila has crashed on the runway at NAIA. According to reports, there are some survivors needing immediate and intensive medical care, but most have already perished from the impact."

Sheena's breath caught in her throat. Flight BV-065. *No. No, please...* Her hand instinctively flew to her chest, her heart pounding harder than before.


Her knees weakened as the realization washed over her. Guill was flying back from Singapore tonight. He worked for BiniVerse Airlines. *Was it his flight?* Her vision blurred for a second, but she forced herself to stay grounded. This wasn't the time to panic. She couldn't afford to fall apart—not when there were lives that needed saving.

"Sheena! We need you here!" Dr. Santos' voice snapped her back to reality. She looked down at her hands—still steady despite the chaos inside her. *Focus.*

She moved through the ER with robotic precision, treating patient after patient, but her mind kept wandering. Every time she glanced at the stretchers being brought in, her heart clenched with fear. She kept hoping, praying that none of the victims would be someone she knew.

But the news was relentless, playing the same horrifying images over and over. The wreckage of the plane, the bodies being pulled from the debris, the scattered belongings of passengers strewn across the tarmac. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare.

*Guill, please be okay. Please, God, let him be okay.*

As the hours passed, the steady stream of patients began to dwindle. Sheena's legs ached, and her hands were sore from treating so many wounds, but she barely noticed. All she could think about was whether Guill was safe. She had tried calling him multiple times between treating patients, but each call went straight to voicemail. The pit in her stomach grew with each unanswered call.

Finally, one of the nurses approached her. "Dr. Lim, we've got the last two victims from the crash. It's the pilot and the co-pilot. Both are in critical condition."

Sheena's heart dropped into her stomach.

"The co-pilot's yours," the nurse added, motioning toward a stretcher where a mangled body lay, barely recognizable under the layers of blood and soot.

Sheena swallowed hard, her hands trembling for the first time that night. She approached the stretcher, trying to push down the growing panic inside her. *It's not him. It can't be Guill.*

The co-pilot's injuries were extensive—deep gashes covered his face, his limbs twisted at odd angles, and his breathing was shallow and erratic. Sheena tried to focus on her training, but her hands shook as she examined the man before her. His features were so disfigured from the crash that she couldn't tell if it was Guill or not.

*Please, God, don't let this be him. Don't let this be Guill.*

As she began treatment, the co-pilot's body convulsed violently. The monitors attached to him blared with alarms, and Sheena's heart leapt into her throat.

"Code blue! Get the crash cart!" she shouted, her voice cracking with desperation.

She threw herself into action, performing CPR, trying to revive the man before her. Tears blurred her vision as she pressed down on his chest, counting the compressions in her head. She was breaking inside, but she couldn't stop. She had to try. She had to save him.

But nothing worked.

His body went still, the beeping of the monitors fading into a long, flat tone.

*No. No, no, no...* Sheena's hands fell limply to her sides, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. The room around her felt like it was spinning, the weight of the night crashing down on her all at once. She had lost him. The co-pilot was gone.

She backed away from the stretcher, her vision blurring as tears filled her eyes. She had done everything she could, but it hadn't been enough.

Her shift finally came to an end, but Sheena felt no relief. She tried calling Guill again, her hands shaking as she dialed his number. Once again, the call went straight to voicemail. *Why isn't he answering?* She had already received countless messages from family and friends who were worried, asking if Guill was okay, but she had no answers to give.

Exhausted and emotionally drained, Sheena slouched into a seat in the hospital hallway. The weight of the night pressed down on her, her heart aching with fear and uncertainty.

Just as she closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing thoughts, she overheard two nurses walking by, talking quietly to each other.

"Kawawa naman yung co-pilot," one of them said, her voice filled with sympathy. "Mukhang magpopropose na. Ang ganda pa naman nung singsing sa bulsa niya no?"

Sheena's eyes snapped open, her heart seizing in her chest.

*A ring?*

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