The brother and the dance

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Okay not creative title but here is the third part ;)

Laura POv

I didnt see Ross in the last two weeks. Well at least we didnt talk. I tried evrything without leaving the impression I'd like to meet him. I waited wtih rydel after Paino lessons till someone picked her up , hoping it might be Ross ... She talked about wiating for her brother a few weeks ago but the past weeks it was never him :(

Also I viseted a few time. She would normally suggest to go shopping or to the park or whatever so there were only two times were I actually was at their home but he wasnt there :(

And no I am not a crazy stalker .....I just really want to see him again. I want to talk to him again. I want to see his smile again.  I want to feel the butterflies again only he can give me....and I'd like to be close to him again like when we danced together.


" I dont know" i said unsure. me and Rydle were shopping dresses for the dance tomorrow and this is like the 1000000 one she is wanting me to try on. but I havnt found the perfect dress yes. I know its not prom or anything but I will go there with Ross!!!

"I think that one is perfect" rydel said and this time i couldnt disagree. the dress was yellow (LOL) and had some glitter on the top and bottom. It fit me perfectly and wasnt expensive so I bought it.


There was no "wow you look ..." scene like you have it in the most romance story. We just smiled at each other akwardly before getting in the car. Ross was sitting in the front I was sitting beside rydel in the back. There we are. Ellington hold out his arm for delly to take and I'd wish Ross would do that too. 

We were sitting on a table for four and mostly Rydel and ellington were talking. "So next Rydel Lynch and laura marano will play a little song for us" They all clapped , we got up on the "stage" and played the songs we had practised all year. It was fun. Other people were already dancing on the huge floor , mostly couples dancing really close to each other.

"So you wanna dance?" Ratliff asked Rydel and of course she agreed. Those two are so cute ! After a little akward silence Ross spoke up making my heart beat faster. "So how about we dance too? " "Uhm okay" i said smiling wide. "just do it like we did a few weeks ago" he whispered before grabbing my hand and holding my waist.

"And the next piece we will hear is Kiss me played by ...and sang by  .... " 

I know you like me

And I like you

so just kiss me

if someone would have told me I would get my first kiss with rydels brother on the yearly piano dance i wouldnt have believed it. but thats how it was. right after the Kiss me sing he leaned down and kissed me. Well just pecked my lips. But it was still my crush kissing me , my heart beating faster and butterflies in my stomach. We danced all night together but never mentioned the kiss or anything.

Well tomorrow I will probaly go to rydel "hang out " with her and maybe just "randomly" see ross there.


Sry to make you wait again but here it is

Raura OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now