Chapter Seven: New Life Begins

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The soft glow of dawn painted the horizon is hues of pink and gold as Sirena stirred in her bed. Beside her, Lyra was already awake, her eyes wide with excitement as she threw back the covered and jumped to her feet.

"Come on, Sirena! We have to get to the stables before everyone else!" Lyra's voice was bubbling with eagerness.

Sirena blinked, still groggy from sleep but quickly catching the contagious excitement. Today was the day they would fly with their Dragons for the first time, and she had been dreaming of this moment since she was a child. Her heart raced as she hurriedly dressed and followed Lyra out of their quarters.

The air was crisp, and the early morning mist hung low over the ground as they made their way toward the stables, the towering Celestara mountains casting long shadows over the Academy grounds. The stables were alive with the sound of Dragons stirring, their deep, rumbling breaths resonating like a symphony in the stillness.

As they entered the massive stable, Sirena's breath caught in her throat. There waiting for her, in all her glory, was Frost. Her scales shimmered in the early light, reflecting the colors of the dawn like the surface of a frozen lake. Her golden eyes met hers, and Sirena felt the familiar rush of warmth that accompanied their bond.

Lyra quickly made her way to Aquarius, her own Dragon, whose sleep blue scales glistened like the sea under a cloudless sky. The two friends exchanged excited smiles before approaching their Dragons.

Sirena stepped closer to Frost, her heard swelling with affection as she placed a hand on her cool scales. "Good morning, Frost," Sirena said softly. "Are you ready for our first flight?"

Frost lowered her massive head, her breath misting in the cool air as she regarded Sirena with a gaze full of ancient wisdom. "Ready as ever, little one." Frost's voice echoed in her mind, a calm and steady presence in a world spinning of unknowns.

Sirena smiled, running her fingers along the intricate patterns on Frost's neck. "I've been dreaming of this day for as long as I can remember. To finally fly, to soar through the skies with a Dragon of my very feels like a dream."

Frost let out a low rumble, almost like a chuckle. "You dream of freedom and flight, but there is much you do not yet understand, Sirena. The skies are vast, but so too are the challenges that lie ahead."

The cryptic words made Sirena pause, her brows furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean? What challenges?"

Frost's gaze grew distant, as if seeing something far beyond the present moment. "There are forces at play you cannot yet see. But in time, all will be revealed. For now, enjoy this moment of peace."

Before Sirena could press Frost further, the sound of footsteps echoed through the stable. She turned to see the other new Dragon Riders entering, their faces alight with anticipation as they greeted their own Dragons.

Lyra was already deep in conversation with Aquarius, laughing softly as her Dragon playfully nudged her with its snout. Sirena smiled, her earlier concern momentarily forgotten as the energy in the stable shifted to excitement.

A moment later, Thalion arrived, his presence commanding as always followed by a Dragon courier carrying a large chest. Thalion, tall and broad-shouldered with sharp elven features, surveyed the group with a proud gleam in his eyes. Behind him, his silver Dragon Draven loomed majestically, a powerful and imposing creature who scales glittered like polished steel.

"Good morning, Riders," Thalion called out, his deep voice echoing through the stable. "Today is a special day. You will be flying with your Dragons for the first time, and to mark the occasion, you will be receiving new saddles designed specifically for your Dragons."

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