Chapter Nine: Promising Future

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The soft glow of the moon bathed the royal gardens in silver light, casting shadows among the carefully sculpted hedges and ancient trees. The night air was cool and fragrant with the scent of blooming roses, but to Sirena, it felt like the air was pressing down on her, thick with the weight of her new reality. She sat on a cold stone bench beneath a sprawling oak, her body curled in on itself as quiet sobs shook her shoulders.

Sirena's mind raced, thoughts tumbling over each other like a storm-tossed sea. She had dreamed of finding her mate day, of experiencing that deep, unbreakable bond she had heard stories about. But she had never imagined it would be Prince Tarron, the future emperor of Liora. Now, the joy of discovering her bond was overshadowed by a crushing sense of responsibility. She'd just become a Dragon Rider and now the role of future Empress loomed large in her mind, a mantle she had never imagined she would bear.

'What if I'm not ready for this? What if I fail him-fail all of them? The questions tormented her, pulling deeper into the whirlpool of doubt. Tears slid down her cheeks, dropping onto her clasped hands as she tried to quiet the storm within her.

The sound of footsteps on the garden path broke through her thoughts, and Sirena hastily brushed her tears away. She turned to see Lyra and Kael approaching, their faces etched with concern. Lyra was the first to reach her, dropping to her knees beside the bench and wrapping her arms around Sirena in a warm embrace.

"Oh, Sirena," Lyra whispered, her voice filled with worry. "I knew something was wrong after what happened back there."

Kael remained a few steps behind, his arms crossed over his chest as he regarded Sirena with a steady gaze. She could tell he wasn't one for outward displays of emotion, but his presence was a reassuring anchor in the midst of her turmoil.

"It's a lot to take in, I know," Kael said, his tone softer than earlier when she'd first met him. "But I've known Tarron for a long time," he said his voice steady but edged with dry humor. "Believe me, he doesn't always think things through before acting, but he wouldn't have done this to hurt you. He probably thought he was...I don't know, making a gesture or something."

Sirena let out a shaky breath, brushing the tears from her cheeks. "But why couldn't he have spoken to me first...why couldn't he have spoken to me at all? We haven't said one word to each other! Why announce it like that, when we'd only just met?"

Kael shrugged, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "He's a prince, Sirena. They don't always have the luxury of thinking about feelings before they make decisions. But I'd wager he's beating himself up about it right now. Just...try to hear him out if he comes to talk to you, alright?"

As if on cue, a voice cut through the quiet of the garden. "Sirena."

All three of them turned to see Tarron, standing a few feet away, his expression carefully guarded, though his eyes held a glimmer of uncertainty. He glanced between the three of them, his posture tense as he took a hesitant step forward.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," he said, his voice low, "but I wanted to speak with you, Sirena. If...if that's alright."

Lyra exchanged a glance with Kael before she gently patted Sirena's shoulder. "We'll leave you two to talk," she said, giving Tarron a pointed look. "Good luck, Prince Tarron. You've got a lot to make up for."

Kael shot Tarron a lopsided grin, clapping him on the back as they passed. "Try not to mess this up further, Your Highness," he said dryly. "I'd hate to have to intervene again."

Tarron managed a faint, strained smile, watching as Lyra and Kael disappeared down the garden path. Then he turned back to Sirena, who still sat on the bench, her arms wrapped around herself as if she could shield herself from the vulnerability of the moment. He took a deep breath, stepping closer until he was just a few feet away.

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