Chapter Twelve: Reunited and Bonding

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The sun hung high above the palace grounds as Renna led Sirena and Lyra toward the Royal Stables. The air was filled with the warm scent of hay and the distant calls of the Dragons, making Sirena's heart race with anticipation. She had missed Frost more than she'd expected, and the thought of being reunited with her Dragon filled her with excitement.

When they reached the entrance, Renna pushed open the heavy wooden doors, revealing rows of stalls, each large enough to accommodate the majestic creatures. The stables were a blend of nature and craftsmanship, with wide arches and sunlit spaces that allowed the Dragons to stretch their wings. The moment Sirena stepped inside, a familiar, snow-white form emerged from a shadowy corner of the stables, her scales glinting like frost-covered jewels.

"Frost!" Sirena called out, her voice breaking into a joyous laugh.

Frost bounded forward, her powerful limbs moving gracefully as she reached Sirena. Her golden eyes sparkled with delight, and she lowered her head to nuzzle against Sirena's shoulder, her cool breath washing over her like a winter breeze. Sirena wrapped her arms around Frost's neck, feeling the Dragon's scales cool and smooth beneath her touch.

"I missed you so much, girl," Sirena whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

Frost rumbled softly, a sound like ice cracking on a frozen lake. 'I missed you too, little one. I could feel you even from here.'

Lyra grinned as she watched the reunion, then turned to spot her own Dragon, Aquarius, with his deep sea-blue scales and graceful stature. Aquarius gave a joyful trill as he approached, his bright eyes gleaming. Lyra ran forward and wrapped her arms around him, laughing with delight. "Oh, Aquarius, I'm so glad to see you!"

Renna smiled at their happiness and gestured to the far end of the stables, where a stunning red and white Dragon was lounging, her wings folded neatly by her sides. "And this is Amaru, my Dragon. She's been my closest companion since I was chosen a little over a year ago as her Rider."

Amaru raised her head, her scarlet and snowy scales catching the light. She surveyed Lyra and Sirena with keep intelligent eyes, then dipped her head in a dignified greeting. Frost returned the gesture, though her gaze soon flickered back to Sirena, sensing the turmoil of emotions within her rider.

As Sirena stroked Frost's neck, she took a deep breath. "Frost, there's something I need to tell you. I...I've found my mate, and it's Prince Tarron." she paused her voice growing quieter. "It's been complicated. The bond has brought so much chaos, and I don't know how to navigate it all."

Frost hummed thoughtfully, her breath chilling the air around them. 'I could feel the storm inside you, little one. Your heart has been heavy with confusion and worry. But know that I am here, and I will stand by your side through whatever this royal life may bring.'

Sirena smiled, a mixture of relief and gratitude filling her chest. "Thank you, Frost. I'm still figuring things out, but I promise I'll get through this."

As the three she-elves continued to spend time with their Dragons, laughter and conversations filled the stables. Renna and Lyra exchanged stories about their training, while Sirena leaned against Frost's side, enjoying the comfort of her Dragon's presence.

But then, the stable doors creaked open, and the cheerful atmosphere faltered for a moment as two figures entered-Prince Tarron and Kael. Tarron's expression was uncertain, a touch of nervousness in his eyes as he approached. Sirena felt her own stomach twist with nerves, but she forced herself to stand tall, even as her pulse quickened.

Kael, sensing the tension, gestured subtly to Renna and Lyra. "Perhaps we should give these two a moment. Renna, Lyra, let's check on the others."

Renna nodded, shooting Sirena a reassuring smile, and Lyra followed her out of the main area with Kael, leaving Sirena and Tarron standing in the main Stables. Frost's golden eyes fixed on Tarron, studying intently. After a moment, she released a breath of ice air, sending a playful swirl of frosty mist into the Prince's face. Then she nudged Tarron, her approval evident.

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