Chapter Thirteen: Rules and Expectations

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The sun was setting as Sirena, Tarron, Lyra, Renna and Kael returned to the palace grounds, still dripping wet from their swim at the waterfall, despite the flight back. The evening air was cool, and they laughed as they wrung out their hair and clothes, their boots squishing as they walked. The group made their way to the Dragon Stables, where they bid goodnight to their bonded companions. Frost nuzzled Sirena's cheek, her ice breath sending a shiver down Sirena's spine.

"Rest well, Frost." Sirena whispered, patting her Dragon's smooth scales.

Frost rumbled a response. 'And you too, Sirena. Sleep soundly, little one.' Drago and the other Dragons followed suit, finding their places in the stables, their massive forms curling up in the hay filled enclosures.

As they approached the palace entrance, they were met by Empress Arithiel, standing with a she-elf Sirena hadn't seen before. She was tall and graceful, with sharp, striking features and platinum-blond hair that fell in neat waves. Her deep green eyes swept over the group, lingering briefly on Sirena.

The Empress arched an eyebrow at her children. "Out late again, I see," she remarked, her voice carrying a mixture of sternness and affection. "Tarron, Renna, you both know better than to disappear without a word."

Tarron bowed his head slightly, offering a sheepish smile. "Apologies, Mother. We lost track of time by the waterfalls."

"Yes, it was such a beautiful day, we couldn't resist." Renna added with a hopeful grin.

Empress Arithiel shook her head with a sigh, but her expression softened as she caught the glances exchanged between Sirena and Tarron. "I see," she said, a small smile touching her lips. "Well, I suppose I can forgive you just this once, seeing as how it's been a while since I've seen my son look ease."

Sirena blushed at the Empress's words and Tarron rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. The Empress turned her attention toward Sirena, gesturing toward the woman beside her. "Sirena, Lyra, I would like to introduce Myrantha, Renna's lady-in-waiting. Myrantha has just returned from handling some court matters on my behalf."

Myrantha gave a polite but stiff not, her eyes scanning Sirena with an unreadable expression. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sirena," she said, her tone cool. "I hear you are Tarron's...mate."

"Yes I am," Sirena replied, offering a friendly smile despite the coldness in Myrantha's gaze. " It's nice to meet you, Myrantha."

Myrantha's lips curved into a tight smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Indeed. Welcome to the palace." She turned her attention to Renna, her expression shifting to one of disapproval. "Renna, you're a mess! Look at you-mud on your leggings, your hair all tangled. What have you been doing?"

Renna laughed lightly, brushing off Myrantha's fussing. "Relax, Myrantha. We were just enjoying ourselves. It's not like I have court duties right now."

"That's no excuse to neglect your appearance, especially not when you're expected to be an example," Myrantha retorted, though her eyes drifted back to Sirena, a hint of disdain lurking in their depths.

The Empress cleared her throat, redirecting everyone's attention. "Well, now that you've all had your fun, I believe it's time to retire for the night. Sirena, Lyra," she said, addressing them directly, "tomorrow, you will join the other new Dragon Riders in a lesson with Myrantha on court etiquette. As Dragon Riders, you are now among the kingdom's most highly regarded individuals. You will be involved in palace affairs, strategic discussions and political matters. It's important that you understand how to conduct yourselves in such settings."

Sirena nodded, taking in the Empress's words, while Lyra stifled a yawn beside her. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We'll be ready," Sirena Promised.

The Empress's expression softened slightly as she gave them a final nod. "Good. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day for all of you." She bid them goodnight, then turned and walked away, leaving the group standing in the hallway.

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