Chapter Eleven: Understanding

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As the library doors closed behind Sirena and her parents, they lingered a little longer in the quiet of the corridor. Her mother's hands were still clasped around Sirena's, her expression a mix of price and worry. Her father, usually so reserved, had a softness in his eyes that Sirena hadn't seen in a long time. They had spent a long time in shock at the news of her bond with Tarron, but now, in the aftermath of their meeting with the Empress, it was as if the reality of it all had finally sunk in.

"You really are remarkable, my dear," her father said, his voice rough but gentle. "You've always had a fire in you-your mother and I knew that much. But this...being part of the Imperial family, a Dragon Rider, a've become someone I never imagined you would have to be. We're so proud."

Sirena's throat tightened at his words, and she tried to smile even as a lump formed in her chest. "I don't know if I'm ready for all of this, Papa. It's...a lot more than I thought it would be."

Her mother squeezed her hands, drawing her attention. "You don't have to be ready all at once, Sirena. Just take it one step at a time, like you always have. And remember that we're behind you, no matter what happens."

Sirena nodded, letting their words wash over her like a balm. But as her thoughts drifted back to Tarron's aloof behavior, she couldn't help but voice her worry.

"Tarron was so warm before, last night we had a nice conversation, but now...I just don't understand why he's acting so distant. I thought maybe...maybe he regretted the bond."

Her mother's face softened, and she stroked Sirena's cheek gently. "Sometimes men hide their feelings behind walls, especially when they're uncertain. Give him time, my love. I'm sure he'll come around."

Sirena forced a small smile, hoping her mother's words would prove true. She hugged them both tightly, lingering in the warmth of their embrace, before stepping back. "I have to go now-there's so much to do before we head back to the Academy. "

Her father nodded, and her mother gave her a watery smile. "We'll be at home, when you're ready to visit again call for us and we'll make the journey back to see you."

With a final wave, Sirena turned and headed down the hallway, her heart both lighter and heavier as she walked away from her parents, their encouragement echoing in her mind. She made her way through the palace corridors until she found Lyra and Kael waiting in the courtyard outside.

Lyra's face lit up as she saw Sirena approaching, and she bounded forward, practically pulling her into a hug. "Sirena! How did it go? You look like you've just run a marathon and won a prize all at once."

Kael, leaning against a stone pillar nearby, raised an eyebrow with a wry smile. "Yes, tell us everything, or we'll have to make up some wild rumors ourselves."

Sirena couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm, they really suited one another, though the weight of the day still pressed down on her. She pulled back from Lyra's embrace and took a deep breath, trying to organize her thoughts. "It went...better than I expected. The Empress isn't making me give up being a Dragon Rider. She actually welcomed my parents and I into the Imperial family. She even apologized for the announcement being so public."

Lyra clapped her hands together, her grin widening. "See? I told you everything would work out! You had nothing to worry about."

Sirena smiled at her friend's optimism, but then her expression darkened as she remembered Tarron's behavior and her face darkened. "But...Tarron was acting so...distant. It's like he's not even the same person I spoke with last night. I know there's a lot going on, but I don't understand why he's shutting me out."

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