Chapter Four: Welcome to The Academy

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The base of the Celestara mountain peaks loomed ahead, their jagged tips cutting through the mist like sharp teeth. The sun was beginning to rise behind them, casting long shadows across the rocky path that stretched upward into the mountains. Sirena and Lyra stood together, gazing at the daunting climb ahead. Behind them, the rest of the candidates for the Dragon Riding Academy were murmuring amongst themselves, excited but weary from the long journey.

"We made it," Lyra said, breathing heavily but smiling with satisfaction. "The base of the Celestara Mountains. We're almost there, Sirena."

Sirena nodded, though her gaze was fixed on the towering cliffs. "Almost. But it looks like the hardest part is still ahead of us."

The hike up the mountains was infamous among those who had made it to the Academy. It was said to be a test of endurance and willpower, separating the truly determined from those who faltered. Sirena took a deep breath, determined not to let the challenge ahead deter her.

Around them, other candidates were fathering their gear, some adjusting their packs or tightening their boots for the climb. Sirena recognized a few familiar faces from the journey, but there were also new arrivals-elves from the capital, their clothing finer and their demeanor more refined than those who had come from the villages or smaller towns.

One group of elves in particular stood out, their laughter a little too loud, their words dripping with condescension. At the center for the group was a tall, blonde she-elf, her hair cascading down her back in perfect waves. Her sharp blue eyes flicked over the others with thinly veiled disdain.

"That's Solana," Lyra whispered, noticing Sirena's gaze. "She's from the wealthiest families in the capital. Her father being a General, she's been groomed her whole life to become a Dragon Rider."

Sirena frowned, her stomach tightening with unease. "She doesn't seem very friendly."

Lyra snorted. "She's not. She thinks anyone who wasn't born in the Capital is beneath her. My family does trade with her family in the ports. We'll have to watch out for her."

As if on cue, Solana's eyes landed on Sirena, narrowing slightly as if assessing her. With a flick of her wrist, she beckoned two of her friends closer and whispered something that made them laugh. Sirena's heart sank, already anticipating what was coming.

As the candidates began to ascend the rocky path, Solana and her group deliberately slowed their pace until they were walking directly behind Sirena and Lyra. Sirena tried to ignore the prickle of discomfort crawling up her spine, but Solana's voice soon broke the silence.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Solana drawled, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "A little farmer elf trying to play with the big leagues."

Sirena's steps faltered, but she forced herself to keep walking, her heart pounding in her chest. Lyra shot a glance at Solana, her eyes narrowing, but said nothing for the moment.

"I mean, really," Solana continued, her voice loud enough for others to hear. "What's a she-elf from a farming village doing here? Did you get lost on your way to the market?"

Sirena clenched her jaw, refusing to give Solana the satisfaction of a response. She focused on the path ahead, each step bringing them closer to the Academy, closer to her dream. But Solana wasn't done.

"I've heard they're letting anyone in these days," Solana said, her tone light and mocking. "It's a shame, really. The Academy used to have standards. Now they're accepting peasants who probably don't even know how to wield a sword properly."

Lyra's patience snapped. She turned sharply, her voice as cold as ice. "You think coming from a wealthy family makes you better than everyone else, Solana? I doubt you've ever put in a hard day's work in your life!"

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