Chapter Eight: Revelations of The Heart

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The sun shown brightly over the ancient city of Lumina, casting a golden glow on the white marble buildings that made up the heart of the city. Lumina, the capital of the kingdom and the century of culture and history, welcomed the new Dragon Riders with its bustling markets, historical sights, and the promise of adventure. Sirena and her fellow Riders walked down the cobbled streets, guided by Headmistress Elara and head Instructor Thalion.

Elara's voice echoed over the hum of the city as she pointed to various landmarks, her knowledge weaving a tapestry of Lumina's history. "This is the Dawn Spire, where the first Dragon Riders gathered to make their oath to protect the kingdom. And over there, the Hall of Echoes, where the council meets. Each stone of that building holds the memories of our ancestors."

Thalion chimed in, his tone both playful and proud. "And if you're lucky, you might hear the whispers of those long gone during quiet nights. Of course, only if you've got a bit of magic in your veins." He winked at the group, earning a few laughs and chuckles.

The Riders, usually full of chatter, fell into quiet awe as they took in the beauty of the city. But among them, Sirena walked with a heavy heart. She kept her eyes on the ground, her thoughts far from the bustling streets and historic sights. Her mind kept returning to the palace courtyard, to the moment she'd locked eyes with Prince Tarron and he'd uttered the one word... 'Mate'... the undeniable pull-like a thread that connected her soul to his.

'It can't be. It shouldn't be,' she thought, cleaning her hands to hide their trembling. 'He's the prince of Liora, and I'm...just a girl from Elderglen.'

Sirena barely registered Lyra's voice beside her. "Hey, are you okay?" Lyra asked, leaning in with a concerned frown. "You've been awfully quiet since we left the palace."

Sirena forced a smile, but it faltered under Lyra's knowing gaze. "I...I'm fine, just overwhelmed, I guess. It's a lot to take in."

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "Sure, and I'm a fire breathing Dragon. Come on, you can talk to me. What's really bothering you?"

Sirena hesitated, casting a glance toward Elara and Thalion, who were engrossed in a discussion about the next stop on their tour of the city. She took a deep breath, finally letting her guard down. "It''s about Prince Tarron," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lyra's expression shifted to curiosity and concern. "What about him? Did something happen?"

Sirena bit her lip, struggling to find the right words. "I think...I think he might be my mate."

Lyra's eyes widened, and she grabbed Sirena's arm, pulling her closer to avoid eavesdroppers. "What? How? When?"

Sirena glanced around, making sure no one was listening. She began to describe what had happened in the palace courtyard, how Tarron's eyes had locked with hers with an intensity that shook her to the core, how she'd felt a strange warmth spread through her chest, and the inexplicable sense that he was meant for her. And to top it all off, he'd even muttered the word 'Mate'. She recounted every detail, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke.

Lyra listened intently, nodding along as understanding dawned in her eyes. "That's...that's exactly what I experienced when I met Kael. That feeling like your heart is being pulled toward them, like a piece of you suddenly clicked into place. Sirena, you're not wrong. That's the bond."

Sirena's breath caught. Hearing Lyra confirm her suspicions made it feel even more real, and the realization crashed over her like a tidal wave. "But...but what does that mean for me?" She asked, her voice barely audible. "He's a Prince, Lyra. And I'm...I'm no one. What if I'm not good enough to be his mate? What if I can't even be with him?

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