Day 6, Worst Fears

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(Wenclair are already dating in this one)

Enid was laying down with her head on Wednesday's lap as Jess read her book, they did this on their spare time. Wednesday would be relaxing and her clingy girlfriend close by and tell her some over the top crazy story.
Tonight was a bit different, Enid laid there and sounded quiet which was SUPER unusual for her so Wednesday sighed and put her book down, even if she enjoyed the silence she couldn't enjoy it when she felt her puppy hurt.
"Cara Mia, what seems to be the issue?"
Enid looked up at her with those piercing blue eyes
"What's your worst fear.. or well nightmare?"
Wednesday scoffed and even threw in a light chuckle "pfft none, I got no fears!"
Enid nodded silently and looked away feeling embarrassed so Wednesday asked "what nightmares are you having?" Enid chuckled "it's a weird one."

(Enid's nightmare)
Enid crashed through the forest, didn't know how she ended up like that but just did, before she was face to face with a church. She opened the doors which weighed a ton, making her feel weak. She made it through the second set of doors to find Jess in a black wedding dress standing across from Tyler in a black suit. Enid tried to yell out but felt hands around her neck to find Xavier holding her.. Wednesday noticed and smirked "sorry Enid but I wanted a real monster." Kissing Tyler passionately, before a bunch of younger Hyde's came barging out and started doing the griddy.

Wednesday blinked, clearly unfazed "your nightmare is me choosing Tyler, having kids with them so the kids can do a dum dance?"
Enid nodded
"Scary isn't it?"
Wednesday sighed, knowing how soft Enid was it probably freaked her out, "wanna know how much I love you?"
Enid nodded looking up at her with those blue puppy eyes

(Wednesday's nightmare)
After defeating crack stone, Wednesday made her way through the forest. Pushing past the other nevermore kids, she didn't care about the she wanted to find Enid. Eventually she found the wolf... defeated and bloodied. Wednesday quickly ran to her side and held onto the wolf "it's ok puppy I'm here, I'm here."
Wednesday held onto her, knowing Enid was only in this situation because she risked her life to save Wednesdays.
She held onto Enid until she felt the twitching come to a stop..."

Enid had tears in her eyes "that must've felt terrible.."
Wednesday stroked Enid's cheek
"I did not care for you when I first cake here... some days I wished a snake would eat you but now if anything hurt you I'd make sure they'd feel pain for the rest of their lives."
Enid blushes before getting up and passionately kissing her

They were getting ready for bed when Wednesday gave enid a bottle of green liquid "drink this and the nightmares will stop."
Enid happily drank it, trusting Wednesday. Suddenly she fainted onto the bed, Wednesday sighed and looked down at her

Enid crashed through the forest and thought "ugh gonna have to go through this again!" But while embracing the last fall she landed in a pit of stuffies
"This is new?" She thought, she walked up to the church doors, remembering them being heavy so she used all her wolf strength, it easily made it fly off the hinges, she was feeling strong?"
Enid made her way to where Wednesday usually married Tyler in the nightmare, she caught eye of Wednesday, Wednesday smirked "I told you I'd fix your nightmares." She went to kiss Tyler but at least second stabbed him in the chest before pulling out the knife and throwing it at Xavier, knocking him down.
Wednesday made her way to Enid and snapped her fingers, suddenly a bunch of pups came running out and cheered
Enid's eyes lit up "you fixed my nightmares?"
Wednesday shrugged "just turned them into dreams..."

Enid smiled "let's fix your nightmares next."

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