Day 1, First kiss

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(lol for inspiration)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(lol for inspiration)

After their first year of school, Wednesday and Enid surely grew closer, Enid was there for her when've Wednesday's family was being obnoxious or annoying and Wednesday was there when her mom was being a total bitch, during the summer they texted a lot. Especially after her break up with Ajax, he ended things up when Enid wouldn't show up for date nights as she clearly got distracted but in reality she lost tract of time as she texted Wednesday.
Simply to say they were.. besties now.

Enid got the idea that they grew so close that... there was a knock at the Addams manors door, how did someone get past the giant gate was a mystery. Wednesday opened the door to find her new bestie? Enid giggles and immediately walked in "woah this place is cozy.. looking around but Wednesday sighed disappointedly "Enid why are you doing here?"
Enid shrugged "I guess I missed you..Is your parents home?"
Thankfully they were out with pugsley, Wednesday showed Enid to her room. Enid could've stayed in the guest room but Enid somehow managed to convinced Wednesday by saying they are roommates."
Enid looked around as Wednesday got ready for bed aka brushing her teeth and getting changed.
Enid eventually walked up to Wednesdays stalker board aka her case on who her stalker is.
Wednesday exit her bathroom and walked up to Enid "the case isn't going well.."
Enid turned and smiled "how about I help you with it?"
Wednesday scoffed "pfft how can you help?"
Enid giggles "you know I love my phone, I can probably track where the iP address came from."
Wednesday stared blankly at her before letting her help.

They stayed up all night tracking and just trying to find any clues until the wolf got bored "I'm bored wennie!"
She laid back on Wednesdays bed, Wednesday sighed before eventually laying down with her and nodded "ok I think you've earned the break.."
Enid turned to Wednesday and gently smiled "I love how dedicated you are to this case.. scariest person I know.." hearing those beautiful words kinda made Wednesday blush not gonna lie.
She turned to Enid and questioned her "why did you really come to visit me tonight?"
Enid hesitated before gently placing her hand on Wednesdays, Wednesdays internally was going crazy "don't touch me!!" But slowly changing to "if you let go I'll stab you."
Enid gently looked at her before leaned in close and kissing her, Wednesday immediately kissed back. It wasn't like with Tyler where she questioned it... in the moment it felt right...
Suddenly the doors to Wednesdays bedroom opened and morticia saw the girls on the bed, smiling she chuckles "don't you think it's time for bed." Enid immediately jumped up and acted as if nothing happened "of course ma'am!"
Wednesday laid back down embarrassed for being caught so soft..

Enid went home the next day without even talking about the kiss, did it mean nothing to her, Wednesday kept thinking backing to it.
Enid was with yoko back home "I kissed Wednesday!"
Yoko looked up from her book shocked "you kissed her?"
Enid nodded and thrusted "yes! Let's fucking gooo!"
Yoko chuckles and nodded "ok ok but it doesn't mean anything yet."
Enid nodded and looked to yoko "should i do it again?" She said with a huge smile but yoko calmed her down "if she brings it up when schools starts then it means she liked it but if she doesn't then clearly meant nothing.
Enid nodded "of course

School started and immediately the two were stuck back together, Enid told her about how the rest of her Summer went and Wednesdays listened, all Wednesday could thinking about was the kiss, Enid never talked about it... was it had? Enid has probably kissed a lot of people in her life by judging how popular she was, she looked to Wednesday and smiled "what's the matter bestie?"
Wednesday stared at her blankly... looking at her lips for a second before shaking her head "your perfume is toxicating."

The first school day went on and Wednesdays tried to go back to normal but her stupid mind kept flashing back to the kiss like some traumatic flash back, Enid made it worse by telling all her friends about her trip to Paris, kissing them on the cheek aka the weird French greeting."
Eventually they both went back to their dorm, Wednesday more frustrated, thinking she must've been poisoned or something.
Enid barged in and immediately disturbed her writing time
Wednesday turned "Sinclair! Some quiet would be nice!"
Enid tilted her head confused like a lost puppy "what's wrong with you wennie?"
Flashing her iconic gentle smile
Thing tapped in moorse code "just say it weird lesbian."
Wednesday signed "did the kiss mean nothing to you!"
Enid lost the smile for once, feeling hurt "of course it meant something.. it was everything.."
Wednesday felt like she got shot, stumbled back before trying to regain some dominance "then.. do it again!"
Enid smiled returned and kissed Wednesday once again

WenclairTober (2024) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin