Day, 14 Borrowed Clothes

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Enid Sinclair was a creature of color in a world often painted in shades of gray. Her vibrant outfits and eccentric accessories were a stark contrast to the dark allure of her best friend, Wednesday Addams. While Wednesday's style screamed morbid elegance, Enid's wardrobe radiated warmth and cheer. But lately, Enid found herself drawn to something else-Wednesday's clothes.

It started on a chilly Wednesday afternoon in Nevermore Academy. Enid had borrowed a few of Wednesday's belongings in a light-hearted manner. A black turtleneck here, a pair of dark jeans there. She loved the way they felt on her, the fabric infused with Wednesday's essence. Each time she wore them, she felt a little closer to her bestie
One cold evening, as the sun set below the horizon, Enid rummaged through her closet. She had an outfit in mind for the school dance, but nothing felt right. With a sigh, she opened Wednesday's drawer-a treasure trove of dark elegance. Her eyes landed on a particularly soft, oversized sweater that Wednesday wore often. It was perfect. "Just this once," Enid whispered to herself, pulling the sweater from its resting place. It smelled like Wednesday-woodsy, with a hint of something sharp and mysterious. Enid slipped it on, the fabric surrounding her like a protective cocoon. It was a bit big, the sleeves hanging over her fingers, but she loved it all the same.
She looked in the mirror and she felt a rush of confidence. It was almost as if Wednesday were right there beside her, sharing her strength. With a smile, Enid made her way to the dance, the sweater clinging to her like a second skin.

The gym was filled with flickering fairy lights and the pulse of upbeat music. Enid danced, her heart light, and occasionally caught glimpses of Wednesday across the room. Wednesday stood like an island amidst the chaos, an unbothered observer in her signature black. Each time their eyes met, a spark ignited between them.
Enid twirled, the sweater swirling around her. She felt vibrant and free, yet still attached to Wednesday by the threads of the sweater. the night went on and she noticed the way others admired her. Some whispered, others smiled but what made her happiest was knowing that Wednesday's essence surrounded her.

After the dance, Enid found herself walking home under a night sky filled with stars, She held onto the sweater tightly and felt a secret warmth radiating from it. It felt like Wednesday was with her and urging her forward, sharing her strength. Lost in thought, Enid almost missed the silhouette that awaited her outside her dorm.
"Enid," Wednesday's voice was as cool as the night air, but there was an underlying warmth that sent shivers down Enid's spine. "What are you wearing?"
Enid turned, showing her sweet innocence. "Just a little something I borrowed." She spun playfully, letting the sweater show her off. "You like it?"
Wednesday stepped closer, her expression unreadable. "You look ridiculous." But the corner of her mouth quirked up ever so slightly, betraying the affection hidden beneath her trademark sarcasm.

Enid giggled, unbothered by the teasing. "It's cozy! And it smells like you."
"Shouldn't you be wearing your own clothes?" Wednesday asked, folding her arms, though the hint of amusement in her tone suggested she didn't mind as much as she pretended.
"Maybe I just like feeling close to you," Enid replied, the words spilling out before she could catch them. The moment hung in the air, charged with an energy that felt both thrilling and terrifying.
To her surprise, Wednesday didn't pull away. Instead, she stepped even closer, their shoulders brushing. "You could just ask me for your own," she said, her voice low, a hint of playfulness lacing through it.
"I like it like this," Enid said, her heart racing. "I mean, it's nice to feel like I'm, I don't know, part of you."
Wednesday's expression softened for a moment. "Clingy, are we?"
"Only a little," Enid teased back, nudging Wednesday playfully.
"Only a little," Wednesday echoed, her lips curving into a small smile.

The two friends fell into a comfortable silence, standing under the stars, the tension between them was a strong thing. Enid could feel the warmth coming from Wednesday, a total contrast to the coolness of the night.
"Do you want to borrow something else?" Wednesday asked, her tone teasing but with an underlying sincerity.

"What do you mean?" Enid feigned ignorance, but she knew exactly what Wednesday was implying.
"Something more... intimate," Wednesday suggested, her dark eyes glimmering with mischief.

Enid's cheeks flushed. "Like what?"

"Perhaps one of my dresses. They'd look much better on you," Wednesday mused, an eyebrow raised.
"Really?" Enid's heart fluttered at the thought. "I'd love that!"
Wednesday tilted her head, her hair cascading over one shoulder. "Very well But you must promise to return them when your done. I don't like losing my clothes."
"Deal!" Enid chirped, her excitement showing. "You know, I could get used to this. Us sharing clothes. It could be our thing!"

"Sharing is overrated," Wednesday replied, but her smirk told a different story. "Though I suppose I could make an exception for you."
They walked back to their dorms, Enid felt a sense of pride wash over her. The sweater felt like a barrier between them and the outside world, but also a bridge connecting their unique spirits.

That night, as she curled up in bed, she pulled the sweater close. It was more than just a piece of clothing; it was a reminder of the bond they shared and as she drifted off to sleep, Enid couldn't help but smile, feeling as if Wednesday was the one snuggling her to bed

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