Day 9, Tarot

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(Last chapter was terrible so gonna really try this time)

Enid Sinclair stood in front of the large, wooden table in the art room of Nevermore Academy, an assortment of brightly colored tarot cards placed out. before her. The warm afternoon light streamed through the window, casting playful shadows across the room. She had always been drawn to the vibrant imagery of the cards, their mystical symbols promising insight and adventure. But today, her thoughts were elsewhere.

As Enid shuffled the deck, her mind wandered to Wednesday Addams. The dark, mysterious girl with a strong habit for disturbing side of life had intrigued Enid from the moment they met last year in the dorm, Wednesday's intensity was sometimes much and while Enid's personality was a burst of sunshine, she often found herself drawn to the shadows that Wednesday left in her path.


The voice was low, cool as a breeze but a virgin of warmth as Wednesday grew to care for enid, Enid went from being called sinclair to Wednesday actually using her name. Enid looked up to see Wednesday standing at the doorway, her expression unreadable. Dressed in her signature black, Wednesday's presence always seemed to dim the bright colors around her.

"Hey, Wednesday! Want to join me?" Enid gestured to the table, excitement bubbling in her chest.

"Tarot?" Wednesday stepped inside, her curiosity piqued. "I didn't know you believed in fortune-telling."

"I think it's fun! And who knows? Maybe it'll reveal something interesting about us." Enid smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief and giving her iconic wink to Wednesday that she knew made her heart flutter for a sec.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Very well. But let's skip the fluff and get to the point."

Enid shuffled the deck again, then cut the cards and spread them out. "Okay, let's see what the cards have in store for you first!"

With a flick of her wrist, she drew three cards: The Lovers, The Tower, and The Moon. Enid's eyes widened as she turned each one over, revealing illustrations that seemed to pulse with energy.
"The Lovers represents connection and choices. The Tower signifies violence and revelation. And The Moon... it speaks of illusions and the subconscious." Enid's voice was light, but her heart raced at the implications. "Looks like there's a lot going on beneath the surface for you."

Wednesday studied the cards with her usual look of unimpressed, though Enid noticed the faintest crease in her brow. "And what do you believe that means?"

"Maybe it's about your feelings... for someone?" Enid asked, her heart pounding. "Like, someone you're close to?"
"Feelings are irrelevant," Wednesday replied flatly, though her eyes flickered momentarily and Enid knew whenever Wednesday blinked it meant she hesitates, Enid has grew closer to Wednesday to know her well. Wednesday quickly replied "I prefer to let logic influence my choices, not done stupid cards you bought."Enid raised a finger
"Found in Nevermores basement But anyways feelings can be important You can't ignore them forever," Enid insisted, leaning forward close to her "You can't just hide behind your darkness."
"Maybe I don't want to." Wednesday's voice was almost a whisper, but the weight of her words hung in the air.
Enid felt a surge of determination to get Wednesday to admit her feelings "Let's draw another card. For both of us."
Wednesday nodded, and Enid shuffled the deck once more, a tingle of anticipation running down Wednesday's spine. No matter how much she tried to hide it, the cards peeked her interest. She drew a single card: The Sun.
"The Sun symbolizes joy, success, and positivity," Enid said, her voice brightening. "It's about embracing who you are and finding happiness!" The wolf cheered
Wednesday tilted her head slightly confused but a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "You think that's what I need?"
"I think it's what we both need," Enid replied earnestly. "We balance each other out, you know? Your darkness and my light... it's like a perfect harmony."
Wednesday's expression softened, but she quickly tried to hide it with her usual cool and unimpressed look. "Harmony is overrated."
"Maybe," Enid said with a playful grin. "But isn't it nice to have someone who sees you, even in the shadows?"

Silence fell between them, heavy. Enid's heart raced as she searched Wednesday's eyes for a glimpse of what lay beneath her icy skin, The air crackled with unspoken words, and Enid felt a magnetic pull toward the darker girl.

"Enid," Wednesday said suddenly, her tone shifting to something more serious. "Why do you care so much?"
Enid's breath hitched. "Because you matter to me, Wednesday. You may not believe in feelings, but I do. You're not just a shadow to me: you're... everything since the day I met you in the dorm that I first met you abd especially after my break up with Ajax, you were there for a and even got revenge on him gif cheating on me.."
Wednesday's gaze stared into Enid's, and for a moment, the world outside faded away. Enid could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on them, the uncharted territory of their relationship stretching out like the night sky above.
"Let's draw one more card," Wednesday suggested, quickly trying to change the topic but then her voice softened. "For us."
Enid's heart raced as she shuffled the deck again, feeling Wednesday finally wanting to dive into her unspoken feelings. The anticipation nearly overwhelming. She drew a card, holding her breath. The card turned over to reveal The Empress.
Enid's eyes widened. "The Empress! It represents nurturing, abundance, and creativity. It's about embracing love and relationships."

"Interesting," Wednesday said, her tone cold but now intrigued. "What does it say about us?"
"It means there's potential for something beautiful," Enid replied, her voice softening. "Something deeper than friendship."
Wednesday studied the card, then glanced back at Enid. "You think we could have something together? Something more then friends?"
Enid's heart soared. "I do. I believe we can."
In that moment, the walls between them seemed to dissolve. Wednesday stepped closer, the distance between them vanishing as Enid felt the heat radiating from her.
"Then let's see where this takes us," Wednesday said now with a slight smirk.
With a flutter of nerves, Enid reached out, intertwining her fingers with Wednesday's. The connection was electric, The shadows around them felt less daunting, more like a cocoon that wrapped them in warmth."
"Together, then," Enid said, a smile breaking across her face.
"Together," Wednesday echoed, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.
As the light faded outside, the two girls sat together at the table, surrounded by the tarot cards that had guided them to this moment. It was only a second but for the girls it felt like hours before Wednesday broke the distance and kissed Enid. The future lay ahead, filled with uncertainty and possibility, but for now, they were together in each others arms. a nice balance of light and darkness, ready to face whatever fate had in store.

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