Day 8, Cuddling

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It was one of the worst winter nevermore has ever had, outside was a blizzard. The werewolf students were fine because of the high werewolf body they had in them but other students had to suffer, especially the sirens, poor Davina. Meanwhile usually Wednesday loved the cold weather, it felt Orr welcoming like the cold ease of death but even today she had a limit

Enid arrived back from building giant snowman and playing hide and seek in the show with the other werewolves to find her roomie in bed with fifty blankets and still shivering to be honest their window was beautiful but the not the most resistant to the cold, easily slipping in. Enid skipped over to her roommate and giggles "do you need anything?
Wednesday shook her head "nope... the cold... never bothered me."
Enid smiled "you and Elsa would've gotten along.."
Wednesday shrugged "I don't know who that is, nor do I care."
Enid went to her side and started texting yoko who currently had Davina in a heated tub, they gossiped how it went going but in the corner of her eye she could see Wednesday still shivering, she quickly hopped off her bed and left the room,

Wednesday shivered, but while Enid was gone thing ran over and pulled off Enid's blankets and handed it to her. Wednesday shook her head "never!"
Thing signed and jumped into one of Enid's pink mittens.
Wednesday eventually sighed and wrapped Enid's blanket around her, lightly sniffed it "smells like Enid.."
she nuzzled in it almost falling asleep until Enid came back holding a cup "I got you your favourite caffeine!"

Handing it to Wednesdays who took a sip of it, Enid eyed her before asking "you know there's another way I can keep you warm but you gotta trust me.."
Wednesday looked up and eyed her "what do you mean?" She was clearly intrigued and was slowly getting pissed off about the cold.
Enid smiles softly "werewolves have insane body head so if I cuddled you that could keep you warm."
Wednesday slightly blushes and looks away "I'd rather die.."
Enid sighed and stared at her "wennie your freezing!"
Wednesday wanted to protest more but Enid was right, she was freezing so sue sighed and nodded "fine do it.."
Enid nodded and stripped, making Wednesday blushes and go wide "what the hell are you doing!"
Enid groaned "you wanted body heat, clothes cover it!"
Wednesday remained quiet and looked away as Enid cuddle her, she could feel everything but... the warmth and the escape from the cold felt so nice

WenclairTober (2024) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin