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Hey, I know not a lot of people are reading this book, but I'd still like to apologise for the messy update schedule.

I have started my October/November exam session and it had been draining to say the least.

I will try and upload once a week like promised, but we all saw how that ended😪

Anyway, chapter 21 has been edited, I really hope I managed to write Sizhui's character better this time around - sorry about that by the way.

The storyline didn't change much, but rather the emotions and reactions potrayed did.

After this chapter, chapter 22 will go back to the first trio (Yifeng, Xinghua and Yuexin) while the next will come back to the Lan blossoms, back to the trio (if I fail to complete their plot in the following chapter due to the word count), and finally, we'll be closing the 'group hunt' arc with Nie Yuèrú and Wen Jinghua, hopefully by the end of this month or atleast the start of November..

The arc afterwards will be a filler arc, focusing on their days in Gusu before we start moving into the tragedies and mysteries of the future, so do look forward to that as the next arc will be a rather short one.

On different news, I have two more Mo Dao Zu Shi fanfic books on this account, so if you're interested in reactions and the characters watching the future, you should definetly check them out.

The first, and longer running one is called 'Mo Dao Zu Shi react', creative right? The second, more recent one, with only three chapters up, is called 'The Truth'. Where the first starts from their cloud recesses days, the other starts from the Yiling Patriarch arc, specifically after the Qiongi path accident - if either of this interest you, do check them out on my account.

On the topic of reacts, I have considered multiple different plots for reacts with characters from this book as well as the og characters reacting to this book.. how do you guys feel about this? Would you like such additional content in the future?

Moreover, I have multiple plots for fanfics as well as reacts, so while you enjoy blood river, do look out for future s which I may come to promote here in the future.

Back to Blood River, this book may have an update later this week, if not, do not expect anything next week either, and I apologise for that in advance if it becomes the case..

But for now, wish me luck as I desperately need to pass this session...

Love you all my dear readers, and see in you in the next update.

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