Chapter 51

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Adams POV

The day Tommy came and told me that he thought Edna was depressed I didn't take much notice. I was trying to write a song and I was on a roll so when I finished I went to find my sexy and gorgeous husband and talk to him about it. Don't get me wrong I know that Tommy would notice all the signs and I have noticed she seems depressed at times.

I found them talking in the bedroom and I overheard something I didn't think I would hear yet from our baby girl. I overheard her say that she thought she was pregnant. I heard Tommy tell her that they need to talk to me and that's when I piped up and said too late I heard and I am going to kill Andy.

Tommy held his hand out for me and said babe come and sit down please we need to talk.

I go and sit on the bed but I am so furious that this has happened. I told him not to hurt our baby girl and he goes and does this.

Tommy grabs my hand and said it was an accident babe I don't think they did it on purpose.

Edna pipes up and says "Papa please I know I disappointed you both but it was an accident. If I am pregnant then I want to keep it, I will do my course online when I decide which one.

Tommy pipes up and says we are jumping ahead of ourselves here. First thing we need to do is get a test and take that then we need to go to the doctor so I will go and get a test now then we will decide.

Edna said dad I will come with you so that way people won't jump to conclusions and say you cheated on papa with a woman. Tommy shudders and I stiffen at that. That is one of my biggest fears that he will cheat on me. Don't get me wrong I trust him wholeheartedly it's everyone else I don't trust especially after Tommy stalker.

In the end we all went and I drove my new 4wd and we went to the chemist in the next town.

I didn't want Tommy going alone as I still don't want him going out by himself yet. I'm still dubious of people trying to get him.

As we got there Edna and Tommy went in and I just stood at the door for a bit but when Tommy went to pay for the pregnancy test and lube he picked up as we were running out at home I walked up to them and put my arms around him. I'm still very tense until Tommy put his hand on my cheek and cuddled me and he told me he loved me. I relaxed straight away.

We left after that and got dinner on the way home as Tim and Ant hadn't even thought of it like Tommy or I hadn't.

Edna went straight up to take the test while Tommy and I served dinner up for all of us.

I saw Edna walk in about 5 minutes later and she discreetly shook her head letting us know it was negative. Thank god for that. I see Tommy walk up to her and cuddle into her and whispers in her ear.

After dinner I saw Tommy go up stairs with his phone so I think he is going to make a doctor's appointment for Edna. I take the time to go and talk to Edna and see if she will admit to me that she is depressed. I asked her if she is ok after what happened and to tell me truthfully was she ok. She looks at me and says please don't tell dad but no papa Im not. I'm scared that he is going to come back for me. I don't like this feeling papa.

I hear Tommy say baby girl please talk to us and I will make sure that he never comes back for you. He only wanted me for himself. He cant get that I am happy with your papa.

I will always keep you safe if I can. I tried so hard to keep you out of the public eye.

I'm sorry I didn't do enough for you and failed you.

I grabbed my baby's hand and said babe you didn't fail her or me please never think that.

I pull him to sit on my lap and can see even though he said he was ok deep down he really isn't. I vow then and there to get the best counselor for them both. I will ask the doctor tomorrow.

The next day we head to the doctors and we walk in when they call Edna's name.

The doctor listens to Edna then asks her questions about her depression. He prescribes her medication for depression but also to help with Anxiety attacks.

He also prescribes her the pill but we need to make sure that she takes it everyday.

Just before we walk out I ask him to give me the name of a good counselor so that I can take them too.

He gives me the name of a dear friend of his.

On the way home Tommy drives as my shoulder still hasn't cleared and I call this counselor and make an appointment for them for Friday week.

Towards the end of the week I ask Tim if everything was all set for the wedding which is happening Friday. He says yes it is, we just need to get them out of the house that morning so we can set it up. I turn to him and say why don't we send them to a hotel for the night. That way they won't know anything is going on. We will tell them to come back around 10am? Tim thinks for a bit and says yeah but do you really want Tommy out without a body guard. I nod my head and say yeah I trust Anthony to not let anything happen to him and I'm sure Neil will keep an eye on him. We will send them to the same hotel as he is staying at.

Tim nods his head and says yeah ok are you going to get Neil from the airport? I nod my head and say yeah. I will just tell Neil to say that he missed Tommy and I and Edna.

I say great all set I will ring him later once I know Tommy isn't around.

That afternoon Edna asks if she can go to the university and enroll in her course she wants to do next year. Tommy says yes he will take her and Ant says I will go and you can drive my car Edna. Have a driving lesson as well.

Tim and I say at the same time all 3 of you can go Adam and I will go and do the shopping. Just please be careful please.

I go and put my arm around Tommy and say please text me if you need me and keep an eye out behind you and everything please.

Tommy promised me that he would keep an out and Anthony said the same thing.

Don't get me wrong I trust them it's the other idiots I don't not after Tommy sicko stalker.

After they left I turned to Tim and said ok I will call Neil then we can go shopping.

I call Neil and he says he will watch Tommy on the Thursday night. He will surprise him in their room. I just need to get him from the airport during the day but that's OK as we can send them shopping with Edna or something.

The next few days fly by and it's Thursday already and everything is set. We just needed to get the last minute things. So Tim and I head to the mall while Tommy, Anthony and Edna go back to the university to fill in last minute forms. They won't be back until just after lunch so we are going to get Neil as well.

Tim and I decided to buy our husbands another wedding ring each. Straight away we found a nice one and grabbed them.

After we picked Neil up and dropped him off at the motel we headed home and arrived at the same time as the others.

After they walked inside I told Tommy to go pack a bag as I have a surprise for him and Anthony. I told them that I had booked a hotel for the 2 of them to relax for the night.

Tommy didn't want to go at first but Anthony told him that he needed it to relax and wanted his brother with him.

After they left we got stuck into the backyard and made that the way Edna had pictured it. 

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