Chapter 48

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Andy's POV

As Edna and I were walking out of the hospital I felt like someone was watching us, but I couldn't see anyone.

That is until Edna called for me and when I turned around, I saw the guy from the other day have his arm around her neck and then she falls as he puts something on her face and mouth.

I run up to her to try and grab her, but the other guy is too quick and grabs her before I can. He looks at me and says now her father will regret not coming with me before when he had the chance. No, he wanted to stay with that glam rock superstar.

He runs off with Edna and now I am left with telling her fathers and uncles what happened to her.

I contemplate going up to tell them, but I opt for the safer one and ringing Adam. This is one call I was always dreading to make and now I have to make it.

I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Adams' number. I wait for Adam to answer with bated breath which he does after a few rings.

I take a deep breath and tell Adam what happened. Adam yells through the phone asking where I am so I tell him just outside the hospital and that we didn't have security with us as I thought I could handle anything that arose but obviously I was wrong. Adam continues to yell down the phone at me. I had to pull the phone away from my ear, so I didn't go deaf.

All of a sudden Adam hangs up but not before I hear Tommy yell out something.

I hang up and just stand there dumb founded that I manage to not only lose my girlfriend but also manage to piss off her father and stepfather in the process.

I was just about to call mum and tell her what happened but before I can someone punches me in the face. I look up to see Adam, Tommy, Anthony, and Tim hobbling behind. I can see Adam with his fist clenched again ready to punch me but also Tommy as well.

I look behind them both and see Anthony and Tim both glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead just standing here.

Adams POV

Tommy and I were standing there talking to Tim and Anthony after Edna and Andy left but I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying as I had a bad feeling about something but what I don't know.

I try to push it to the back of my mind and concentrate on our conversation, that is until my phone rings and I look to see it's Andy.

I hurriedly answer and when he takes a deep breath, I know something has happened.

After he tells me what happened I yell down the phone at him and I see Tommy with a concerned look on his face, so I pull my phone away from my ear and put it on speaker so Tommy can hear what is happening.

As soon as Tommy hears what happened he is running out the door with Anthony behind him. I turn to tell Tim that I will be back, but I see him struggling to get up. I helped him up and together we caught up to Tommy and Anthony as they were awaiting the elevator to go down.

I grab Tommy's hand in mine just before the elevator doors open and together, we walk in. I will not let Tommy's hand go because I know that when it comes to someone hurting the ones he loves he has no self-control. I don't blame him as I am the same. Anyone hurts the ones I love then they will live to regret it.

I have to hold Tommy back from running up to Andy and punching him, I want to have the satisfaction of punching him first.

We get up to him and I clench my fist and punch him for hurting my little girl even though she is not so little anymore. I knew he would somehow but letting her get kidnapped that's a low act.

I see 2 more fists punch him out the corner of my eye and I look to see Tommy and Anthony, both punching him at the same time.

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