Chapter 10: Revived by the Trauma Team

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The world was a blur of flashing lights and muffled voices when Nomad slowly came to. His body felt heavy, weighed down by a deep ache that pulsed with every beat of his heart. He tried to move, but a sharp pain shot through his shoulder, reminding him of the drone's attack.

"Stay still," a calm, mechanical voice instructed. He blinked, his vision sharpening enough to see the familiar white-and-red insignia of the Trauma Team hovering above him. He recognized their uniformed medics, their movements swift and precise as they worked to stabilize him.

Nomad tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, he listened as the medic activated a scanner over his shoulder, muttering something about torn muscle fibers and blood loss. He could feel the cold press of a syringe, and a wave of numbness began to spread, dulling the pain.

"What... what happened?" he finally managed to croak, his throat dry and raw.

"You were attacked," the medic replied, checking his vitals. "A Militech unit found you. You're lucky we got here when we did. Another few minutes, and you'd have bled out."

Nomad's mind raced, flashes of the ambush piecing together in his memory. Lea. He remembered her face, her desperate expression as Militech dragged her away. His chest tightened, a fresh wave of pain cutting through the numbness.

"Where is she?" he rasped, struggling to sit up. "The woman... with me. Did you see her?"

The medic exchanged a glance with his partner, both of them shaking their heads. "When we arrived, you were alone," one of them replied. "No one else was at the scene."

Nomad's fists clenched, a surge of anger and frustration boiling within him. Lea was gone, taken by Militech, and he had no idea where to start looking. He forced himself to stay calm, to think rationally. He needed to get out of here, to track her down before it was too late.

"We're transferring you to a recovery center," the medic informed him. "You need rest and proper care to heal."

"No," Nomad growled, fighting against the restraints. "I don't have time for that. I have to find her."

The medic sighed, clearly accustomed to dealing with stubborn patients. "If you don't let us treat you, you'll be in no shape to help anyone. You're barely holding on as it is."

Nomad hesitated, weighing his options. He knew they were right—he couldn't afford to risk his life any more than he already had. Reluctantly, he nodded, letting them continue with the treatment. But his mind was already racing ahead, plotting his next move. As soon as he was stable enough, he'd be back on the streets, hunting down any lead that could take him to Lea.

As the Trauma Team worked, patching him up and numbing the pain, Nomad's resolve only grew stronger. He would find her. He would tear through every corner of Night City if he had to, leave no stone unturned until Lea was safe. And Militech? They were going to pay for this.

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