Chapter 9: Ambush in the Shadows

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Nomad and Lea moved quickly, their steps light and silent as they slipped through the maze of alleyways. The neon lights cast a hazy glow on the wet pavement, but their focus was elsewhere, scanning for any sign of Militech patrols. They were close to their secondary hideout now, just a few more blocks.

But then, out of nowhere, a faint whirring sound reached Nomad's ears. His instincts screamed at him to dive for cover, but it was too late. A Militech drone hovered above them, its sensor lights locking onto their position. Nomad swore under his breath, reaching for his weapon just as a flash of light erupted from the drone's cannon.

A sharp pain tore through his shoulder, and he stumbled back, the world spinning as the impact sent him crashing to the ground. The edges of his vision blurred, and he could feel the warmth of his own blood seeping through his jacket.

"Nomad!" Lea's voice broke through the haze, her face appearing above him. Her eyes were wide with fear, but before he could speak, another figure stepped into view—a man in a Militech uniform.

Nomad tried to lift his weapon, but his arm felt like lead. The man barked orders into his comm device, and Nomad could only watch as two more Militech operatives grabbed Lea, dragging her back despite her struggles. He fought to keep his eyes open, but the pain was overwhelming, his vision slipping further out of focus with each passing second.

He caught one last glimpse of Lea, her face a mixture of anger and fear as she called his name. The Militech officer glanced down at Nomad, a smug smile on his face as he issued more commands. Then everything went dark.

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