Chapter 14: The Heist Begins

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Nomad adjusted his earpiece, hearing the soft crackle of static as the team connected over the comms. They had spent the past few hours fine-tuning their plan, each step calculated to avoid detection and ensure their success. Now, it was time to put everything to the test.

The team had split into two groups: Mako and Blaze would handle the security systems from a distance, hacking into Militech's network to disable the cameras and alarms. Meanwhile, Nomad, Jax, and Slick would make their way inside, sticking to the shadows as they navigated the maze of corridors leading to the holding cells.

"Ready on your end, Mako?" Nomad asked, his voice low as he scanned the perimeter of the outpost.

"Just about," Mako replied, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "Give me a few more seconds... and there. Cameras are looped, alarms are disabled. You're good to go."

Nomad glanced at Jax and Slick, giving them a nod. "Let's move."

They slipped past the outer fence, their footsteps muffled by the damp earth beneath them. The building loomed ahead, its walls covered in barbed wire and reinforced steel. It was a fortress, but Nomad had faced worse. With his team by his side, he felt a surge of confidence as they approached the entrance.

Slick took the lead, picking the lock with practiced ease. The door swung open, and they slipped inside, the stale air heavy with the scent of oil and metal. The corridor was dimly lit, and Nomad's eyes adjusted quickly as he scanned the area for any signs of movement.

"Mako, we're in," he whispered into his comm. "Guide us to the holding cells."

"Take the first right, then head down the stairs," Mako replied, his voice a steady presence in Nomad's ear. "I'm seeing two guards in the hallway, armed and armored. You'll need to take them out quietly."

Nomad motioned to Jax, who nodded and stepped forward, his massive frame moving with surprising stealth. They crept down the stairs, spotting the guards at the end of the hallway. In one swift motion, Jax lunged forward, grabbing the first guard and dragging him into the shadows. Nomad followed suit, taking out the second guard with a quick strike to the neck.

"All clear," Jax murmured, signaling for Slick to follow.

They continued down the corridor, their senses heightened as they neared the holding cells. Nomad's heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of adrenaline and fear fueling his every step. He knew Lea was close—he could feel it.

"Hold up," Mako's voice crackled in their ears. "You've got company. A patrol just turned the corner up ahead. Three men, fully armed."

Nomad gritted his teeth, motioning for Jax and Slick to take cover behind a nearby pillar. They watched as the patrol approached, their footsteps echoing off the concrete walls. Nomad counted down from three, signaling for Jax and Slick to strike.

The fight was quick and brutal, their movements a blur as they took down the guards with a series of precise blows. Nomad's shoulder throbbed with the effort, but he pushed the pain aside, focusing on the task at hand. They didn't have time to waste.

"Alright, you're almost there," Mako said, his tone tense. "The holding cells are just around the corner. I'll unlock the doors remotely, but you'll need to move fast. They've probably noticed something's up by now."

Nomad nodded, adrenaline surging through him as he rounded the corner. He spotted the door to the holding cells, its heavy metal frame standing between him and Lea. He pressed a button on his comm, signaling to Mako. "Now."

The door slid open with a hiss, and Nomad rushed inside, his eyes scanning the rows of cells. His heart nearly stopped when he spotted her—Lea, sitting in the corner of a cell, her wrists bound but her gaze defiant.

"Lea!" he called, his voice cracking with relief.

Her head snapped up, and for a moment, he saw a flicker of hope in her eyes. She rose to her feet as he unlocked the cell door, rushing into his arms. They held each other tightly, a sense of relief washing over them both.

"We need to move," Jax said, his voice breaking the moment. "They're onto us."

Nomad nodded, releasing Lea and taking her hand. "Let's get out of here."

They retraced their steps, the tension mounting as alarms blared and red lights flashed along the walls. The team moved with urgency, navigating through the labyrinthine corridors as they fought their way back to the surface.

As they burst through the exit and into the open air, Nomad felt a surge of exhilaration. They had done it—they had escaped. But he knew the danger wasn't over. Militech would come for them, and the fight had only just begun.

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