Chapter 16: Fractured Alliances

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The first light of dawn crept into the room, casting shadows over the sleeping city. Nomad stirred, feeling Lea's warmth beside him, her head resting on his chest. He let himself linger in the moment, savoring the rare sense of peace. But the reality of their fight against Militech quickly returned, weighing heavily on his mind.

Carefully, Nomad slipped out of bed, pulling on his clothes and preparing himself for the day ahead. By the time he reached the main room, the others were already awake, gathered around a makeshift table covered in maps, screens, and half-empty mugs of synth-coffee.

Blaze glanced up as Nomad approached, a knowing smirk on his face. "Look who finally decided to join us. You good?"

Nomad shrugged, a hint of a grin breaking through. "Never better. What's the plan?"

Jax tapped on the table, pulling their attention to a holo-map of the city. "Militech won't stop hunting us down. We've hit their convoys, their supplies—but we need to hit them where it hurts. I did some digging last night, and found a Militech operations hub on the edge of Watson. If we can take it down, we'll be crippling their influence in this sector."

Lea joined them, a steely determination in her eyes as she studied the map. "We can't just go in guns blazing. They'll expect that. We need to be smart, hit them from the inside."

Mako looked between them, tapping his fingers on the table. "We'll need more firepower, and I have a contact who can get us some heavy gear. But we need funds, and fast."

Lea leaned in, sharing a quick glance with Nomad before speaking. "I've got a lead on a Militech encrypted file. If I can crack it, we could sell the data to fund our raid. We'll need a good location for the hack—somewhere off the grid where they can't track us."

Jax nodded, a sense of urgency settling over the group. "Alright. Mako, you handle the gear. Blaze, scout out some hideouts for the hack. Lea, you and Nomad prep for a quick escape in case things go sideways. We move at sundown."

The plan was set, and the team scattered to gather resources and gear. Nomad and Lea headed to the garage, inspecting the armored car they'd need for a fast getaway. As they worked, Lea looked up at him, a hint of worry in her expression.

"Do you think we're ready for this?" she asked, her voice quiet.

Nomad met her gaze, his hand reaching out to squeeze hers. "We have to be. It's us or them."

A quiet determination settled between them as they made final preparations. There was no room for doubt, not with everything at stake. They had come too far to turn back now, and the only way forward was to confront Militech head-on.

As the sun began to set, they gathered again, each member of the team steeling themselves for the fight ahead. With a final nod, they headed out, ready to take on Militech and reclaim control over their lives. The battle was just beginning, and they were more than ready to face whatever came next

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