Chapter 13: Allies in the Shadows

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Nomad made his way to an old warehouse on the edge of the city, a place that had once been home to a thriving black market but was now little more than a husk. The few who still frequented it were people he could trust—or at least as close to trust as you could get in Night City.

He stepped through the heavy metal doors, his footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of oil and rust, and the dim lights cast long shadows across the concrete floor. He was greeted by the low hum of machinery and the distant clatter of tools.

"Nomad," a familiar voice called from the back of the room. It was Jax, an old friend and former Tiger Claw who'd retired from the gang life and now operated under the radar. Jax was a giant of a man, with arms like tree trunks and a grin that showed off a row of gold teeth. "Heard you were looking for some trouble."

Nomad clasped Jax's hand in greeting, the two exchanging a quick nod. "Trouble seems to find me these days," he replied, forcing a smile. "I need your help."

Jax crossed his arms, eyeing Nomad with a raised brow. "Militech?" he guessed, his tone laced with a mix of disbelief and admiration. "You've really gone and done it this time."

Nomad glanced around, making sure no one else was listening. "They've got Lea. I'm not sure where, but I've got a lead on one of their outposts in Japantown. I'm going to need intel—and backup."

Jax let out a low whistle, nodding slowly. "Alright, I'm in. But we're gonna need more than just the two of us." He motioned to a nearby door. "I know a guy. Well, a guy who knows guys. Let's see if we can't call in some favors."

They headed into a small back room cluttered with comms gear and holographic maps of the city. Jax took a seat at the console, tapping a few buttons and bringing up a list of contacts. Nomad watched as the names flickered across the screen, each one bringing with it a flood of memories. Old allies, former rivals, a few mercs they'd crossed paths with over the years.

"Who do you trust?" Nomad asked, scanning the list.

Jax chuckled. "Trust? In this city? I've got a few I can count on not to shoot us in the back. That's as good as it gets." He selected a handful of names, sending out a quick message with their coordinates and a promise of decent pay.

Within an hour, the first of them began to arrive. Mako, a wiry netrunner with a quick wit and an even quicker trigger finger; Blaze, a demolition expert who'd been run out of the Badlands for a stunt that left half a gang in ashes; and Slick, a getaway driver whose reflexes were faster than most people's thoughts.

Nomad briefed them on the situation, his tone steady as he laid out what little he knew. They listened in silence, each one assessing the risk in their own way. When he finished, there was a long pause before Mako spoke up.

"You sure about this, Nomad?" he asked, his fingers tapping nervously on the edge of his seat. "Taking on Militech isn't exactly a walk in the park."

"I don't expect it to be," Nomad replied, meeting each of their gazes in turn. "But I can't do this alone. You all know what it's like out there. Lea needs me, and I need you."

Slick shrugged, his usual cocky grin in place. "I'm in. Besides, I could use a little action."

Blaze gave a thumbs-up, his grin matching Slick's. "Hell yeah. Sounds like a blast."

Mako sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Alright. I'm in too. But this better be worth it."

Nomad nodded, a flicker of gratitude passing over his face. "It will be. I promise."

They spent the next few hours poring over maps, tracing potential routes and escape plans, and running simulations of how things could go down. As they worked, Nomad felt a sense of purpose settle over him, a fierce determination that burned away the fear. He had allies by his side, a plan forming in his mind, and a drive that wouldn't let him rest until Lea was safe.

The night wore on, the sounds of the city a distant hum as they prepared for what lay ahead. Nomad knew it would be dangerous, maybe even deadly, but he also knew he couldn't turn back. Not now. Not ever.

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