Chapter 8: Regroup and Reflect

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The adrenaline from their narrow escape still coursed through Nomad's veins as they found refuge in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of Night City. The building was dilapidated, with crumbling walls and shattered windows, but it was safe—at least for now. They'd barricaded the entrance, but the tension in the air was palpable.

Lea paced back and forth, her fingers tapping restlessly against her thigh. "Militech is onto us, Nomad. We can't stay in the same place for too long, and we need to come up with a new plan."

Nomad leaned against a wall, crossing his arms as he watched her. "You're right. But we need to gather intel first. If they know our faces, we'll have to change our approach."

She nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "I'll work on scrubbing our profiles from any security feeds they might have caught us on. It'll take time, but I can do it."

"And I can dig up information on Militech's movements," Nomad suggested. "They won't just stop looking for us. We need to know what they're planning next."

As they set to work, Nomad couldn't shake the feeling that their partnership had shifted. The thrill of the heist was still fresh in his mind, but now there was an undercurrent of something more personal. He caught himself stealing glances at Lea, her focus unwavering as she typed rapidly on her device. He admired her determination, her quick thinking under pressure.

"Hey," he said, breaking the silence. "You did good back there. You kept your head when everything was going to hell."

Lea glanced up, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you. You were the one keeping the guards off my back."

The compliment hung between them, and Nomad felt a warmth spreading through him. He took a step closer, the distance between them suddenly feeling charged with an unspoken connection. "We make a good team."

"Yeah," she said, her voice softening. "We really do."

Just then, a loud crash echoed from outside the warehouse, shattering the moment. They both tensed, their instincts kicking in as they readied their weapons. Lea pulled up a feed from the security cameras outside, her expression shifting to one of concern.

"Militech's doing sweeps in the area," she reported. "They're looking for us. We need to move."

Nomad nodded, feeling the weight of urgency settle over them. "Let's grab what we need and head to the secondary hideout. It'll give us some breathing room to plan."

They quickly gathered their supplies, and as they made their way out of the warehouse, Nomad glanced at Lea. The tension between them still lingered, but he knew they had to focus on survival first.

Once they were back on the streets, they moved in silence, the neon lights flickering above them as they navigated the dark alleys. Nomad's mind raced with the implications of Militech's increased attention. They were stepping into dangerous territory, and he couldn't afford to let his feelings for Lea cloud his judgment.

As they approached the secondary hideout, Nomad took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. He was determined to protect Lea, to keep her safe in the chaos that surrounded them. They were in this together, and whatever lay ahead, they would face it side by side.

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