Chapter Nineteen

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author's note: hi guys. i reached a decision about liam's character. i will not be omitting him entirely from the fic, as his character was always very neutral. however, i'm not going to have him in the storyline very much. he will be mentioned sometimes, as him and zayn are together. i don't feel comfortable writing him as a regular character with recent events.

during my thought process, i also want to address jay being in my storyline. as a fanfic writer, i regularly use their real parents/siblings as characters, unless they don't have them in the fic (for example louis is an only child in this fic) because of jay's passing, i would never want to portray her in a negative light where she's the villain. as you read this chapter, please know she's a protective mother in this story. it will also be explained further along in the chapter.

i love writing this fic and sharing it with you all. i hope you enjoy this chapter, and like i mentioned in the last update, it was written a while ago.

content warning: smut near the beginning


It was days before the holidays, and Louis was barely finishing up his Christmas shopping. Still needing gifts for Harry and Niall, Amelia accompanied Louis to the mall.

Contrary to what he originally thought, shopping for Harry was quite easy. The alpha needed a new watch, so Louis purchased his favorite style from his favorite brand with 'I love you -LT' engraved onto it. Louis also purchased a Derby County jersey, and decided his final present would be an art piece.

Before leaving the mall, Amelia insisted they stop at a lingerie store. She claimed they had a 'once in a lifetime' sale going on.

The store was decorated with pink walls and white displays for the lingerie. Unlike other stores, there was proper lighting. Louis was able to rely on his peripheral vision pretty well to view the articles of clothing.

Of course, any items were for Amelia. Louis grabbed several pairs of panties, showing them to her. "Do you like these?" Louis asked. "I think they're part of the sale."

Amelia pursed her lips, thinking before shaking her head. "Those are cute, but I already have enough. You should still get those for yourself."

Louis gawked at her, not believing the latter of her comment. "Me?" He asked incredulously. "No way, we're here for you."

"Sorry," Amelia apologized, not expecting his big reaction. "I don't judge what you're into. You just picked so many, I figured you wanted a pair."

Louis blushed and threw the panties in the display nearby. "I just—" he stopped and sighed. "I've tried to wear them before, and I'm never doing that again."

"Why not?" Amelia asked with a small frown.

Louis leaned in and whispered, "I tried wearing them for Aiden one time, and he laughed so hard. It was humiliating."

A scowl was now plastered on Amelia's face. "He's such a knothead." She reached for the panties Louis tossed and placed them back in the mesh shopping bag. "Harry's different. Also, you only have three panties. The sale is for five, so pick two more."

Louis sighed and shifted his attention to the displays nearby. "I know Harry's different," he acknowledged. "But that memory is so embarrassing. I'm not sure I want to revisit that."

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