Chapter Eleven

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Several days had passed and Louis did not hear from Harry. Louis had been texting and calling him several times a day, but received no response. As much as the omega wanted to sulk in bed all day, he forced himself to come into the gallery. Niall was kind enough to give him a ride to work, while listening to him vent about Harry.

"Do you think it's too much if I call him later?" Louis asked. "That would be three times that I've called with no answer."

Niall sighed, not understanding where Louis is coming from. "Lou, I don't understand why you even bother. He used his alpha voice on you."

Louis bit his lip before acknowledging, "I know he did, but I still want to talk things out with him."

The blonde alpha shook his head. "I've only used my alpha voice one time towards a girl I was with," Niall mentioned. "We were fighting and I was close to my rut. It's one of my biggest regrets."

Louis remembered the story Niall was referencing. They were in college, and it was Niall's first long term girlfriend. Louis doesn't remember what they were arguing about, but he did recall the painful sound of Niall's alpha voice. They lived together at the time, unfortunately making the memory all too familiar for Louis. "Yeah, I remember that," Louis mumbled.

"So what's going on with Aiden?" Niall asked. Niall was shocked to see Aiden drop Louis off the night of the party, and he never received an explanation for it.

Louis scratched his neck and winced. "I went outside to call you for a ride home. He ended up being outside, comforted me, and offered me a ride. It was nice of him, but I hope he didn't mistake it for anything else."

Niall wanted to continue their conversation about Aiden, but he had already parked in front of the gallery. "Alright, we're here," Niall announced and gave Louis a brief hug. "I'll pick you up later."

Louis thanked Niall as he exited the vehicle. He walked up to his gallery, standing for a while in front of the door. He waited until Niall's car could be heard driving away. Louis walked away from the gallery door, and quickly entered the hotel instead. He was determined to ask Zayn about Harry. He had no idea if Zayn was even available, but he was going to at least attempt a conversation with him. When he was faced with Zayn's office doors, he knocked softly.

After the beta announced he could come inside, Louis swung the door open. Louis approached Zayn's desk as quickly as he could, while also being mindful of any unexpected furniture in his path. "I need to know if Harry is okay," Louis said, not bothering to start with a greeting.

Zayn was quiet before he answered, "He's fine."

Louis shook his head, not being satisfied with his response. "He hasn't answered my texts or calls. I don't know if he hates me forever or if there's something wrong."

Again, Zayn was quiet for several moments. "If I tell you, swear on everything you aren't going to his house."

Louis frantically nodded his head. "I swear, I just want to know what's going on."

"He's in his rut right now," Zayn told him. "He's spending it alone, so it'll last longer than usual. I wouldn't expect to hear from him until next week."

Louis gasped softly and covered his mouth. "But, I was supposed to spend the rut with him! It wasn't supposed to come for another two weeks or so."

Zayn shrugged and leaned back in his office chair. "I think the sex you two had and all his anger probably triggered it." Zayn was right, Louis realized. The shouting and using his alpha voice towards Louis, it all made sense.

Louis sat down in the chair across from Zayn, holding his head in his hands. "Oh my god, I feel awful."

"I'm not trying to be a dick," Zayn started, "But if I were you I'd feel like shit too." As Zayn listed reasons off, he began counting on his fingers as well. "You ghosted him after your heat, decided to fuck him when you thought he moved on, then left him again to be with your ex, and now you want to be there for his rut?"

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