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Omniscient. Six months prior...

Alessia Moranos's world shattered in the dimly lit hallway of her family's estate. She stumbled upon a hushed conversation between her father, Victor, and brother, Luca.

"...just a mistake, Father." Luca pleaded. Victor's voice was cold, calculating.

"You can't afford mistakes, Luca. Not in our line of work." Alessia's curiosity turned to horror as she listened.

"What about Sarah?" Victor asked. Luca hesitated.

"I...I didn't mean to." Alessia's heart sank. Sarah, her best friend since childhood. Victor's tone turned menacing.

"You'll never speak of this again. Understand?" Luca nodded, trembling. Alessia's mind reeled. Her brother, a murderer? Is her father, covering it up? She felt betrayed, and alone. As she watched, Victor handed Luca a small package.

"Clean up your mess." Victor ordered. Alessia knew she had to escape, to process the nightmare unfolding before her. She slipped away, unseen.

In her room, Alessia collapsed, tears streaming down her face. Sarah, gone. Her family, was tainted. Alessia vowed to bring justice, no matter the cost. The seed of rebellion was planted.

Present day.

Alessia stood beside Layton, a newfound ally.

"Welcome to the family." Layton said, smiling. Alessia smiled back, tears in her eyes.

Hours later.

The darkness closed in like a shroud, suffocating the city. Black night, black hearts, black ambitions. Layton Hayes, stood tall, her ebony skin glistening in the faint moonlight.

"It's time to take back what's ours." She growled, eyes locked on the Moranos Family's stronghold. Victor had his workers start a shootout at five of Layton and Dominic's warehouse locations, taking everything in them. Dominic nodded, his chiseled features set in determination.

"We've got this, Layton. We've been preparing for this war."

"Let's show those Moranos motherfuckers who's boss." Michael said. Kira hacked into the Moranos's security system, her dark hair tied back in a ponytail.

"I've got the feed. We're good to go."

Meanwhile, Victor sneered at his family's gathering.

"We'll crush those Brooks bastards. They think they can try and take our territory?" Sophia smiled sweetly.

"Let's show them what we're made of, darling."

"I'll take care of those fuckers myself." Luca said. While Alessia hid her true intentions behind a mask of indifference.

As the two families clashed, the night erupted into chaos. The darkness trembled as gunfire shattered the silence. Layton's team, a sleek, black-clad unit, stormed the Moranos stronghold. Dominic led the charge, his Glock 19 firing precise rounds.

Michael and Kira flanked him, taking down Morano's goons with swift efficiency. Layton commanded from the rear, directing her team with strategic precision.

"Take out the snipers!" She yelled, her voice carrying above the chaos. Kira hacked into the security cameras, disabling them to clear a path.

"Clear to the east wing!" Inside, Victor Moranos snarled.

"Luca, handle this!" Luca charged forward, his AR-15 blazing wildly. Alessia slipped away, unnoticed. Sophia Moranos watched, her eyes calculating.

"Victor, we need to-"

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