Sugawara Koushi

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The Proposal

"Cold" was the word that popped in your head as you laid in bed. To your displeasure you opened your eyes to find your boyfriend, Sugawara Koushi, missing. You got out of bed and searched your apartment you two have shared ever since college. He was nowhere to be found, you walked back to your bedroom to get your phone, but found that missing too. You let out a groan, but laying on the night stand was a note.

"Dear (y/n)-chan <3

Sorry about leaving but it will all make since in time. I would like you to get ready and head to the little cafe that we went to on our first date~

Love, Suga"

What was your adorable boyfriend planning? Even though you where curious, you got ready like he asked, wearing a light pink casual dress with white flats and putting your hair in a braid.You grabbed your little white purse and headed to he cafe, it was a nice day so you decided to walk. The cafe wasn't far, only about two blocks away so it didn't take long for you to get there. You walked inside and the sent of coffee hit your nose, memories of you and Sugawara came flooding into your mind. You remembered your first date here and remembered how nervous he was, he ended up spilling his drink all over him self and you, he apologized so much but you really didn't mind. You found it cute how nervous he was. You chuckled to yourself, and headed to the counter.

"Why hello! You must me (y/n) I presume?" The lady behind the counter asked, "Yes! How did you know? " You asked smiling at her, "A young boy came in here earlier and payed for a (favorite drink) and said to give it to a girl with (y/h/c) and (y/e/c)! He said you where cute but I didn't expect you to be so pretty!" She said, you blushing at the compliment. "O-oh thank you ma'am!" You say as she hands you (favorite drink) "No problem deary! He also asked me to give you this note as well!" You took the note and thanked her one last time as you sat at a table by the window.

"Dear (y/n),

Please enjoy your (favorite drink)! You look beautiful today by the way<3 After you finish drink please head over to the jewelry store down the street where you saw that heart necklace you liked~ Dont worry! I will see you soon!

Love Suga!"

And off you go, looking for your beloved boyfriend, wondering just what he was planning. You enter the jewelry shop and walk up to who you presumed was the manager. "U-um excuse me miss, but my boyfriend sent me here, his name is Suagwara Koushi." You say to the lady, "Oh yes! You must be (y/n)!" He wanted to me to give you this!" She says as she hands you a black box, you open it and saw the heart necklace you were admiring a few weeks ago, it had a arrow going through it and it had your initials engraved in the middle . Before you could thank the women she handed you a note.

"Dear (y/n)~

You have almost reached your destination! Just head by the flower shop next to this store and head to the park and there you will find me<3

Love Suga!"

You did as the note said and went to the flower shop, the lady there greeted you and gave you a bouquet of (y/f/f). Since the last note told you where to go next, the store owner didn't give you one and you headed to the park. You were excited to see your boyfriend but you were still wondering why he was doing all of this things.

You get to the park and see Suga standing there, you run up to him and attack him with a bear hug, "Hello (y/n)-chan!" He says and gives you a quick peck. "Hello Suga! Whats going on? I mean, thank you for everything! Really I loved it! But, what is it about?" You asked him.

"You see (y/n), today is a special day, I wanted to tell you that I love you so, so much and that I cant imagine my life without you. Ever since I confessed to you in high school and you accepted my feelings, I have felt like the luckiest man on earth. Through better and worse, you have always been there for me, every day you found a way to make me smile. I love everything about you, I love hearing you laugh and love seeing you smile, I find myself getting lost in your beautiful (e/c) eyes. I love the little lines that appear on your forehead when your thinking hard or how your cheeks puff out when you pout." He paused to take a breath, you felt your heart melt by his words,

"That's why, I was wondering.." He started getting down on one knee and you could feel tears pooling in your eyes,

"Will you marry me, (y/n)?" You heard people around you 'awwing', you could feel a blush spreading on your face from all the people that were watching but you didn't care, "Yes!" You say and throw your arms around his neck and feeling the tears streaming down your cheeks. You let go and he gives you a loving and passionate kiss, he then puts the ring on your finger and stands up. You hug him one more time thinking,

"Best day ever..."


Thanks for Reading! <3

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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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