Kageyama Tobio

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"Kage-kun! Teach me to play volleyball!" You yell at your best friend. You and Kageyama are both seven and were inseparable ever since birth. Your mom was really good friends with his mom so you two got along pretty well. And yes, if your wondering, Kageyama isn't rude or anything since he is only seven. He was actually pretty adorable, his face never had a scowl unless someone really pissed him off. He would smile often, mainly around you. "Sure (f/n)-chan!" He replied happily, "Yay! Thank you Kage-kun!" You say giving him a giant hug, which he returned blushing.

You two went to the small gym at your elementary school and started, you were ok...well you kinda sucked. The thing you were good at was receiving and that was about it. "Here, watch me!" Kageyama said, you watched in awe as he spiked it almost perfectly, well, as perfectly as a seven year old could manage. "Your awesome Kage-kun!" You yell jumping around, "Teach me how to spike like that!" You say giving him a big smile, he blushed, "F-fine b-but only because you asked, I-its not l-like I l-like t-teaching y-you o-or anything!" Yep, even as a seven year old, Kageyama could be a little tsundere~ you found it really cute though so you didn't really care. "We both know that's not true Kage-kun!~ Now teach me!" You whined, "F-fine...baka."

"Eeehhh?!? Your so mean Kage-kun!" You say making fake tears, "I-I'm sorry (f-f/n)! Don't cry!" He said slowly approaching you, "Your so easy to trick Kage-kun!" You say laughing, "BAKA!! Let's just practice!" He yelled, "Yay!" You were very energetic as ever.

Kageyama taught you how to play almost all positions and he was actually a pretty good teacher, "Kageyama your really good at this!" You said in awe, he just blushed, "Hey Kage-kun, are you going to play volleyball in middle school?" You asked, "Yeah! I'm planning on going to Kitagawa Daiichi! They're one of the best middle school teams!"

"That's awesome Kage-kun!" You say, "I will go there too! I want to play volleyball with you!", "(f/n) you cant play on the boys team." He said, and cue the emo corner. "B-but I-I want to play v-volleyball with K-kage-kun." You say sadly, "W-we can practice together though! That's like playing!" He said trying to reassure you. "Ok!" You say immediately returning to your energetic state.

"Let me show you my tosses (f/n)!" He said excitedly. "Ok!~" You throw the ball in the air and he tossed amazingly, even though he was only seven you could tell that he would be really good at tossing. "Wow Kage-kun!" You say, he smirked. "All hail king Kage-kun!" You say bowing, he exploded into a thousand shades of red, "I-if I-I'm t-the k-king t-then y-you a-are m-my q-queen." You look at him with a blush on your face,

"Ok Kage-kun! I'll be your queen!" You say giving him a huge smile.


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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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