Lev Haiba

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My Lion

"Ne, ne (f/n)! Look at those! And those!" Lev grabbed your hand and ran towards the animals, "L-Lev slow down!!" You struggle in your boyfriends grasp, "How did I get into this?" You thought, sighing as you remembered yesterday.

You had promised Lev that you would go on a date with him this weekend, he was getting kind of lonely because you had been very busy with school. You told him to pick where he wanted to go and he strangely wanted to go to the zoo. Even though you weren't a big fan of these types of places, you agreed, wanting to make your boyfriend happy.

You started getting tired, having a giant childish boyfriend could be tiring. "(f/n), are you ok?" Lev gave you a loving look, you smiled, "I'm fine! Just a little tired." You felt the floor disappear underneath you, Lev picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. "L-Lev?!?" Your face turns as red as his volleyball jersey, feeling the weird stares from the strangers passing by.

"You can sit on my shoulders so your not as tired ok?" You couldn't help but chuckle at him, he was just so cute sometimes. You looked around with wide eyes, "Wow, it's looks cool from this height!!" You exclaim. "Oh yeah you have never seen things like this before right (f/n)? Since your so short!" You whack his head and pout, "Ouch (f/n)!! That hurt!" He rubs the spot, you don't respond for a while and Lev gets a little worried.

"(f/n)?" He turns his head slightly and see's you staring longingly at the lion area, "(f/n), do you want to look at the lions?" He asks, you look at him and rapidly nod, he could see the excitement in your eyes. Your face reminded him of a child, you couldn't blame him. Ever since you were little you have always loved lions and other large cats. You thought they were majestic, magical almost. You loved how they moved gracefully through nature, the fierce look in there feline eyes.

Lev walked over to the lions, you still on his shoulders. You started getting giddy as you approached them, luckily, they weren't hiding. A lion was sitting pretty close to the glass, staring at the passing humans. You noticed that he had green eyes, the same color as your boyfriends. "Now that I think about it, Lev is kind of like a lion..." You chuckled at the thought.

"What's so funny (f/n)?" You leaned your chin on his head, "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how you remind of a lion~" You wrap your arms neck, "Eh, I think I'm more like a cat not stupid lion."

"Lions aren't stupid Lev! And you cant be like a cat, your to big. Your more like a lion, big and one of the strongest predators out there! Plus, I love lions! They're my favorite animal~" You try to make the idea more appealing to him, but, of course it didn't go that way. "Are you saying you like lions more then me (f/n)?!" Lev pouts,

"Of course not! Even if I love lions, your still my favorite~"


Thanks for Reading! <3

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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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