Kozume Kenma

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First Date

You were beyond nervous. Today was the day you had your first date with Kenma. Of course you were excited but what if you embarrass yourself? What if it's awkward? What if- you were cut off when the doorbell rang.

You quickly answer it and see your cat-like boyfriend. "H-Hi Kenma!" You blush, "Hello. Lets go." He didn't even looked fazed one bit, you sweat dropped. You two walk along the side walk to god know where, it was silent but luckily it was more of a comfortable silence instead of awkward.

"So...Where are we going Kenma?" You tried making conversation. He put his PS4 in his pocket, "I don't know, where do you want to go?" He asked, you looked around and saw a little theme park. "Oh Kenma look! Theres a theme park! Let's go there!" You point and see him a frown a little.

"Ok." He said as you ran towards. He chuckled a little at how excited you were but you didn't notice. You stood in line and bounced on your feet, you loved theme parks ever since you were little. Kenya payed for both tickets despite that you offered to pay for yours.

The whole time you ran around, acting like a child and pointing every where at things you wanted to ride, play, or eat. Kenya found it cute but he didn't like the looks other guys were giving you. You just happened to wear REALLY short short's and it was drawing attention. Even though Kenma liked seeing you have fun he couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable, he wasn't used to such crowded places.

After a while you finally noticed Kenma's discomfort, you felt guilty, it was your first date he should have fun too. "Kenma, do you want to go to your house and play some video games?" You gave him a smile, he looked at you with a little blush on his face. "Don't you want to stay here?" He looked at you with curious eyes.

"It's fine Kenma! It's our first date and I want you to enjoy it too, so if you want to just hang out at your house, it fine with me!" His blush turned darker as he nodded. You interlocked your hand with his and walked to his house.

Once you two got there he looked through the games and got out Mario Kart, thinking that was simple yet fun game to play with you. He put the game into his Xbox and gave you a controller. You sat right next to him and rested your head on his shoulder, causing him to blush even darker, if thats even possible.

"Come on!" You yelled, being beaten for the hundredth time. "Why are you good Kenma?!?" You leaned close to his face, he got wide eyed but calmed down. "I-I just play a lot." He looked away from you. "Well I can tell! Can you teach me?" You get all giddy at the thought. "S-sure."

You spent two whole hours at Kenma's house, you kept playing video games and you finally beat him. "YES!!" You fist bump the air. Kenma smiled at you, you blushed when you saw his smile. "You look good when you smile Kenma! You should do it more!" You pinch his cheek which soon turned red. You gather up your stuff, getting ready to go, "(f/n?)" You turn around and felt warm lips on your own, you were taken back but then kissed back. It was a gentle and loving kiss that didn't last for to long but you still enjoyed it. "I love you Kenma~" You say leaving, he's face turned the color of his jersey.

You had your first date and first kiss~


Thanks for Reading! <3

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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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