Oikawa Tooru

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Intersting {A/N: Slightly short chapter and language}

You have never been fond of the captain of the volleyball team, Oikawa Tooru. You found him annoying and arrogant. You wanted nothing to do with him.

Things turned out like you wanted since you two never really talked. But lately, Oikawa couldn't get you out of his head. It pissed him off, to be more precise, YOU pissed him off. You were one of the only girls that didn't fangirl over him and for some reason that annoyed him.

He never knew why, and thats the problem. He couldn't stand these feelings, but you on the other hand just flat out hated him. You noticed his piercing stares-well more like glares. "What the hell is his problem?" You wonder, returning every glare you received from him.

Weeks passed and he was still watching you, it were getting pissed. "If he doesn't stop I swear I will slap him!" You sighed and rubbed your temples. You once again felt eyes on you and turned and saw you know who. Since you were in class you couldn't talk so you wrote on a piece of paper, "What the hell do you want?" And passed it to him.

He wrote back quickly and passed it to you, "Nothing~ Just trying to learn and your disrupting me!" An irk mark appeared on your forehead.


"Watch the language (f/n)-chan!"

"Don't use my first name like we're friends."

"Wah? We're not friends?!"

"No I hate you."

"So rude!"

"Don't care, stop staring at me it's annoying!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you an idiot? You think I haven't noticed the stares the last couple of weeks?"

"I guess I can't but up the act for you can I?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well honestly I don't like you either, you don't fangirl over me, don't come running asking for autographs and pictures, nothing and some how that pisses me off."

What the hell? You couldn't believe the nerve of this guy, all this just because you don't bow down to him?!? "Go to hell you prick." You were REALLY annoyed with him. He glared daggers at you. You wrote on another piece of paper, "Why would I fangirl over you? I just witnessed your 'true' personality and it's terrible. I always thought you were annoying and arrogant and this discussion conformed it. Just and FWI, not all girls fawn over good lucks, I never understand why so many girls fangirl over you and I never will. Now leave me alone or I swear to god I will hit you."

He looked wide-eyed at the paper, he couldn't believe what he just read but yet...

...He found you even more interesting~


Thanks for Reading! <3

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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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