(Zombie AU! Kageyama Tobio)

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Be Together Soon (Part Three)



        As you and Kageyama made you way out of the apartment complex, you luckily didn't run into those things. Your heart was pounding a thousand beats a second, terrible and horrifying thoughts filled your head, "Are my friends ok?....What if Tobio died?....What if I died?"

        "(f/n)." Tobio's  voice snapped you out of your thoughts, you saw him nod his head to the left then put a finger to his lips, signaling you to be silent. There was a good sized group of them, you two went unnoticed for now, you two crept slowly across the street, staying deadly silent.

        You made it to the other side and behind a building, Tobio checked your surroundings before exhaling.

        "You ok?" You asked, concern filled your voice, he nodded and was a little hesitant to speak.

           "Just...still having a hard time accepting what's happening, I mean....this-everything seems insane or like something in a horror movie..." Pain went through your chest, seeing him like this. He never really acted like this, his normal scowling face was filled with worry and fear. Nothing like the normal Tobio you knew.

          Even though you too were terrified, you wanted to stay strong for him. You kissed his cheek quickly, "It's going to be ok Tobio, ok?" You smiled while looking in his eyes, hopefully he didn't see the fear.

          Some relief swept across his face, he nodded and returned a soft kiss to you. Surprisingly, you forgot about what was going on for those few seconds but it ended as quickly as it came. "Where should we go? Are we going to make shelter or just wonder around?" You ask, hoping he would have some type of answer because you certainly didn't.

          "I was thinking going to my house, setting up shelter, boarding it off...I know it doesn't sound like the best but it is a more secluded area, more towards the mountains." The sharpness in voice returned as he grew back some confidence. You nodded, it was worth a shot.

           "Kind of the only choice we have, right?" You let out a soft chuckle while Tobio stayed silent. "Right, not the time for jokes..." You corrected. Knowing that he was probably on edge and not wanting to really be joking around in a time like this. 

               "How far is your house from here?" You followed behind him, keeping watch of your surroundings, you bumped into a poll while your head was turned, you fell to the ground, a loud thud filling the air. "Shit!"  You thought as you heard the moans of those things and their footsteps.

                "Baka!!" Tobio yelled while trying to help you up but it wasn't any use, there were about ten of them, five on both sides of you two.

               "I'm so sorry." You whispered, knowing that you could possibly be the reason both of you died.

              "It doesn't matter, just fight, ok?" You nodded, even though ten wasn't a lot, there was only two of you and with multiple trying to get at you at a time-you were screwed.

            You used your bat and killed two, Tobio doing the same. You pulled out your gun, shooting the remaining three on your side while he stilled used his bat. "I think that's all of them!" You happily said.

              Tobio turned around to hug you but fear crossed his face, "(F/n) behind you!!!!" He yelled but it was to late, you felt pain surge through your shoulder, one of those things bit down and tore off the right of your shoulder. Tobio killed it quickly, shock written across your face then filled with fear. You let out an ear aching scream for pain and fear.

             Tears welled in your eyes, you knew what would happen.... "(f/n)! Are you ok? Just hold on ok? Maybe you can survive this! Just stay with me!" Kageyama said, panic filled his voice.

              "Tobio..." You softly whispered, a few tears slide down your cheek, you got light headed and fell backwards, he caught you and you could see a few tears forming in his eyes. "Don't cry ok? Smile for me...before I go, I just want to see you smile..." You smiled weakly but then coughed up blood.

              You looked up at his face, he smiled while a tear slide down his face, you cupped his cheek, the light around you growing smaller, "I love you Tobio...I always will, please survive this for me..." A single rolled down your cheek as you closed your eyes, darkness surrounding you.

            More silent tears rolled down Tobio's cheek as he whispered 'I love you too, (f/n)' He quickly shot you in the head, not wanting you turn into the thing that killed you.

              He slowly put the gun to his head, whispering one last thing...

 "I'm sorry (f/n) but I cant keep your promise...I'll Be With You Soon..." 


I have finally finished this "series"!

Thanks for Reading! <3

Remember to leave requests in the comments! :3

*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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