(After Life AU!!)Asahi Azumane

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Best Daddy Ever

Ever since you met Asahi, you were never scared of him. You didn't understand why people were, he was like a giant teddy bear! Once your daughter, Yuno, was born, you two found out that she thought the same. Even with his tall stature and long hair, she was never frightened by her father, she actually was more of a daddy's girl. Of course, you were jealous but found it adorable at the same time.

You remember when you told him you were pregnant, that his biggest fear was that he or she would be scared of him. It took you about an hour to calm him down, you laugh at the memory now while he just gets extremely embarrassed.

"Mommy! Mommy look at what I did to daddy!" Your little child wobbled into the kitchen, dragging her fathers hand with her. You had to hold in your laughter, he was currently wearing a tiara, smeared eyeliner and lipstick, and a cheap disney princess necklace around his neck. "Wow. Beautiful." You said still trying to hold back your giggles.

"Thank you mommy! Daddy refused at first but then gave in!" Yuno fist bumped the air in victory. "Thats nice sweetie, why don't you go get mommy's makeup remover?" She nodded happily and skipped out of the room.

You giggled as you walked to your flushed husband, you wrapped your arms around his neck while his looped around your waist. "You should use makeup more often, its a good luck~" You stuck out your tongue while he chuckled.

"I don't know how you guys can wear this all the time, its so uncomfortable."

"Welcome to complex world of girls~" He kissed your forehead, "You don't need makeup, your beautiful." You slightly blushed at his words, yes the Asahi finally got over some of his shyness, well, with you at least. You leaned in to kiss him until you two heard a displeased 'ew'

"Thats gross!" You both chuckled at your innocent child, "Sweetie, one day you'll find someone you want to do that with!" She shook her head 'no'

"I'm only going to marry daddy! He is the best daddy ever!" Asahi blushed as you said,

"Yes, yes he is~"


Thanks for Reading! <3

Hehe I love this one! So much fluff ;3;

*Up Next: Nishinoya Yuu*

*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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