Let Him In

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Since you couldn't come to a conclusion, I have decided for you. For this one time, I have decided to choose the better option. I won't be so kind next time. I see the 21 views. Vote.

Reece had a debate with Carly, both slightly raising their voices.

'Fine. Let him in. Winter, Autumn. Have your guns ready' Carly gave in, tired of arguing.

'Hello? The gates open. Come slowly to the door, your hands above or on your head' recce called through, sternly.

The young boy approached. He had brown tousled  hair, and jade green eyes. His cargos were ripped and his shirt suck to his chest with sweat. They let him in, cautiously.

'Thank you so much, I'm Nathan'

'Not so fast, buddy, we're not letting you in yet. How old are you, why are you here' Autumn questioned starting him down. 

'I'm 17, the enraged were chasing me and this was the first house I came across.' He said out of breath.

'The... enraged?' Marjorie asked, confused.

'That's what I call them. Seems like everyone has different names for them... things!' He replied, smiling at the brunette. He liked her, she seemed kind.

'I don't trust him. Don't let him stay' said the blonde woman to his left. Siobhan. Vivian nodded in agreement, but, then again, she'd agree with anything Siobhan said.

'I think we should give the lad a chance, seeing as he's only 17, we can't exactly through him onto the streets.' Winter challenged her.

'It's my house so it's my decision to make, right?' She asked, smirking.

'No, it's Roger's house but he's dead so he can't make that decision.' Winter snapped back at her.

'Fine. We can have a vote then'

The vote went 50/50, anonymously. The group were torn.  Do they let this young boy stay or not trust him.


So now it's up to you. A vote. Remember, this was the last time I did a nice vote. If it'd gone the other way, Reece would have gone out to help him and get torn to shreds by the enraged.

Let him stay.

Kick him out.

If you don't vote I will find you 😇

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