Kick him out!

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'My sweet, I have to agree with Siobhan, I don't trust the lad' Autumn added, smiling.

Winter softened instantly, smiling. He turned to Siobhan his face dropping. 'Fine' he said rolling his eyes. As he turned around, he saw the boy brandishing a knife. It had blood on its tips. It was pointing straight at Winter.

Autumn reacted immediately, kicking him in the shins, making him double over. She proceeded to elbow him in between his shoulder blades, making him drop the knife. Reece reached down and picked it up, pointing it straight at Nathan. 'Shit that hurt' Nathan groaned.

Once he was stood again, Reece said, ' I should probably slit your throat for attempting to kill my brother in law, but I'm willing to spare you. Don't come back here ever again or I'll blow your brains with my brother's gun.
'Brothers?' Winter asked, turning round to face Reece.

Reece was oblivious to the shorter man's comment and guided the young boy to the gate, and pushed him over the spikes, not wanting to risk opening it. The young boy's final words were: 'I'll find you and I'll fucking kill every last one of you' before he turned around and walked off.

Reece walked back in and Winter instantly questioned him 'brother?'.

'That's what you are to me, are you not?'

Winter smiled. He'd never had any siblings before, despite his begs and pleas to his parents.

They went up to their own rooms to sleep for the first night. Mia thought it was very odd that Vivian was sleeping in the same room as Siobhan, but brushed it off.

'You okay baby?' She asked, looking at Char who was sat on their bed. Mia waked over and put her arm around her girlfriend, concerned.

'I'm scared, Mia' she said, barely a whisper.

'I pinky promise I won't let anything bad happen, you know I'd die for you' *HINTS TO A FEW FURTHER CHAPTERS*. Said the redhead, smiling.

'But if you get... taken, you will try to come back... right? The woman asked, now worried.

'I won't be truly dead until I'm right beside you' she said, smirking.

Charlotte laid her head on Mia's shoulder, and Mia picked her up and put her under the sheets, tucking the duvet right up to her chin. She then slid in beside her.

Truthfully, the redhead was worried. What if something happened to Char? It would be all her fault. She vowed to protect her with her life.


Hi my loves! No voting this time x.  Next chapter will either be out tonight or tomorrow x

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