Death is a troubeling thing...

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They walked through the abandoned streets of the city apprehensively. Looking around it seemed deserted.

Chef turned around and yelled 'there's a fucking hoard of them over there.'

They all looked over, and horror struck them at once. At least thirty, maybe forty of the Enraged, were in a huddle. Reece aimed his gun. Marjorie lowered it.

'No. It's wasting ammunition. Watch this.' She said, she snuck over a bit closer to them and beckoned the gang to come up behind her. She then picked up a large stone and threw it as far as she could. The heard instantly turned and ran slowly over to the way that the stone had been thrown.

'Ha. Stupid things' shouted Chef.

Chef was the stupid one here. They all turned around to where they had heard the voice.  And started running. Fast now.

'Why would you do that!?' Reece called. They had no way of saving themselves now. Chef smirked, and ran headfirst into the gang with just a single knife, thinking that she could take them. She got engulfed by them in an instant.

'We have to go. Now.' Yelled Sorcha.

They didn't have to be told twice. They ran down the road and rounded a corner. Where...

'Clougha!' Screamed Sorcha. They saw her. The woman that Sorcha wanted to be with so dearly.

But. She wasn't her. Her skin was mangled. Quinn was in her hands. Sorcha saw this. Was Quinn still alive? She had to know. She escaped Autumn's tight grip somehow and ran. Her feet responded before her head could. Quinn was alive. Her wife was not. She snatched Quinn.

Clougha's mother instinctive was obviously still present , because she threw herself on top of Sorcha. She held her off with her feet, but was loosing strength. Until she heard a shot. From a gun. Reece stood above Sorcha and held out his hand. Clougha was dead... Deliah rolled her eyes. Now they'd lost someone, it meant more food for her. But they had now gained a baby, and kept Sorcha.

'It's not safe around here. We need to make way to the park where we will set up for tonight. If all goes well, we will be at the safe house this time tomorrow' Autumn spoke up. She'd been silent since the day before. Everyone felt relieved hearing her voice again.

You can vote for the next death in the comments if you wish. If not, I will decide myself x

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