Mialotte ❤️

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Yous are lucky I might do many chapters today as I'm bored out of my mind xoxo
Though I'd give u another nice one before the next one HAHAHAHAH

Mia never left Charlotte's side until she was dispatched from the hospital wing and bedbound for another week.

Eventually, though, Mia had to work. She was enrolled in their 'army' if you will. Reece and Autumn also worked there. It wasn't easy. But they were all quite good at it.

One night, after the harsh training, Mia walked in to find Charlotte crying.

'What's up, my love?' She asked, her face softening at her girlfriend.

'Mia. What if we don't make it. What if we did all of this... for nothing?'

'But it wouldn't have been for nothing, it would've been for the people around us. Though they might not be as fond of me as they are of each other, Carly, Reece, Marjorie, and everyone else looks up to you. You've made it this far for THEM.'

They spent the rest of the night talking. But, although they'd never talked about it, Mia, Viv and Siobhan ware all thinking the same evil thought.

What if he wasn't dead?
She still remembers everything he did to her.
Flashback to when Mia was younger.

'Hello Amelia' he said, his voice emotionless.

'Hello' she said, not baring to look at the monster that had morphed her into what she was to this day. Evil.

'Did you do it? Do Reece and Autumn hate one another now?'

'Mhm. Why do you make me do this. To your own children'

'Mia we've been over this. Do as I say and you get your dad back'

'You're bullshitting me. You don't know where he is and you don't give two flying fucks about me or your own two children. I get it. Your wife left you. But that doesn't mean that even for a second you get to treat me and my friends like shit.'

Then she felt it. The hand cutting into her head.

Flashback to 2 days before Roger's death

'You need to do it again. Break the siblings up'

'No. I'm done with your crap now'

'Amelia, have it done within three days, or I'll kill Charlotte'

Mia's eyes went wide, her eyebrows raised.

'You wouldn't dare'

'Mark my words'

Mia knew that although he was full of shit, that look in his eye told her he was serious.

End of flashback. 

Mia knew that if Roger was still alive, he'd kill her and the people closest to her.

The next day

The whole group were called in to meet the leader that had set the whole place up. Everyone was scared of them, for whatever reason.

The walked into his office, their back to them as they were in a spin office chair. As they turned the chair around smirking, the others nearly collapsed in shock. Vivian's hand tightens around Siobhan's. Reece pulls Marjorie and Autumn close. Winter stood to the front of the group defensively. Autumn holds out her hand to Mia and Mia wraps her arm around Charlotte.

'Oh god' thought Mia.

Sitting there in the chair was the man they hated the most. Roger.

Roger was back.

Right Darcey do not kill me pls xx

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