The crash

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They were all asleep when they heard it.

Reece reacted first. He woke up his fiancee and got her behind him.

Just as they were walking down the stairs, Autumn emerged with a pistol in hand.

Mia followed.

And everyone else stayed behind them.

They walked down starts cautiously, to where the crash came from.

Then they saw them. 10 creatures, looking different from last time they had seen them.

They had grey skin, covered in boils.

They all looked somewhat human, but too mutilated to be classed as one.

More were emerging from the smashed in window, and the gang leapt into action immediately.

It was chaos.

Everyone was hitting everything, Autumn shooting every last one of the creatures.

They all thought they were safe.


One of the bigger creatures grabbed Charlotte by the waist, about to snatch her from thin air. Charlotte screamed.

'Char!' Yelled Mia, shooting the Enraged aimlessly.

She managed to get it off of Charlotte, when...

'Mia!' Screamed char, seeing her girlfriend being taken by one of them things.

She leapt forward to save her, but Reece grabbed her chest and held her back.

Mia was smiling, but tears were falling from her face.

Mia was gone.

Or so they thought.

Hi my loves, shorter one this time but I did write one before this, and I'll aim to write another tonight x x

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