🌸 Chapter 9

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January 10th

I woke up in high spirits this morning, thinking about how I finally met Alex and he said hi to me on the way to tutoring. My brother and Angelica had also left for Thessaloniki.

I was walking to school with my earphones on, casually glancing at the trees with their green leaves decorating the sidewalk, while cars passed slowly by. Suddenly, I felt a hand around my waist and another on the back of my neck, and I jumped. Because of the earphones, I got more scared since I couldn't hear anything.

I quickly turned around and saw Achilles and Michael. I yanked my earphones out and sharply pulled back to get their filthy hands off me.

"Did we scare you, babe? Achilles smiled at me with an amused look, which made him even more disgusting.

"Don't touch me again, or I'll cut your hands off" I declared angrily and started walking faster, noticing there were no kids around.

At that moment, I felt a sharp pain in my head. One of them was pulling my hair.

I warned them...

I slapped his hand to make him let go and kicked him... um... in that well-known spot. It was Achilles.

Michael grabbed my arms tightly, but I had no intention of putting up with it. After all, what's the point of years of Tae Kwon Do?

I blocked his hands and elbowed him in the face. He let out a small cry of pain and grabbed me angrily by the arm, ready to hit me.

"Let her go, let her go" Achilles managed to say, still hurting from the kick.

"What the fuck do you mean, let her go?" She's not gonna do whatever she wants to us, that little---"

"I said, let her go!" Achilles interrupted, shouting, and with that, he let me go.

I shot them an angry and upset look before continuing on my way.

No matter how well-trained you are, you never feel good after getting into fights like that. At least, I don't.

My heart was racing, and I was a little worried. They're both in my class, and what I did wasn't exactly a small thing. Not that they didn't deserve it, of course. I've been holding back since last year. But with jerks like them, I don't know what they might do...

I tried to calm down, but it was difficult. I arrived at school and went to the assembly after the bell had rung. I found the girls there, and they saw I was upset.

"Good morning, are you okay?" Eliana asked, as the sunlight highlighted the amber in her eyes and the jet black of her hair.

"Good morning. I'm fine"

"What happened?" Alexia asked, looking confused as she fiddled with a strand of her light brown hair with golden highlights.

"Those jerks" I said, and they immediately knew who I was talking about.

"Oh no... What did they do?" Evelyn asked, worried, her sandy blonde hair now curled.

"It's not what they did; it's what I did. I hit them..." I said seriously, though still a little shaken, and they looked at me, shocked.

"A slap, so to speak?" Alexia asked, fearing the answer she'd get.

"A kick, so to speak..." I replied.

"No way!"

"And an elbow... to the face" I continued.

They looked at me intently but didn't say anything. It seemed they didn't know what to say. Maybe they were worried it would backfire on me. After the assembly, they told me to be careful.

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