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A/N: well I've decided to post this at the very least so you can see what's up ahead for you. right now you get to see where everyone is... Well almost everyone.

Before you look at this preview for each character I would like to have a few shout outs to a few people. This is a shout out to people who have helped me and have listened to my content doubt and pushed me forwards.

Thanks to Ezrabridger123 for listening and read small clips and giving me advice for the next chapter.

Thanks WriterBoy47 for all the comments and votes. You've proven that you like my story and that you are one of us.

Thanks TairideMar04 for listening and reading my stories and taking you time to comment.

Thanks StarWarsRebels13 for dealing with my insanity and listening to me when others were to busy.

There are multiple others I would like to mention but you'll probably hunt me down and kill me for taking for ever so I'll tell you about the others some other time. I hope you enjoy and hopefully this will give you an idea about what is to come.


Hera's P.O.V: Pain. That's the first thing I comprehend. Smoke. That's the first thing I smell. A cold floor. That's the first thing I feel. Blood. That's the first thing I taste. A burning Ghost. That's the first thing I see. Chopper nudges me trying to get me to get up. I sit up and cough to see Beway under a part of the ceiling. I crawl over to him and move it for him letting him up. Now to get out of my once precious ship. One question is in my head. Where are the others?

Kanan's P.O.V: I wake up on hard solid ground and fire near by. I open my eyes to see the roof of a cave and the soft light the comes from a well stoked fire. I hear foot steps and jump up to see Steel walking into the cave with sticks. Ezra sits next to the fire poking it. I stay quiet hoping to pick on talk between them. Steel sits down. He blocks himself but I can feel his fear, anger, confusion, and desperation. Only one question is in my head though. Where are the others?

Zeb's P.O.V: I follow Kanan, Ezra, Steel, and Ahsoka to the escape pods. We sit and wait for Hera, Beway, and Chopper but the pods close themselves. I know better than this. They don't close themselves. Hera closes them from the main control in the cockpit. The last thing I see of the Ghost is it hitting Yavin's atmosphere. There is only one question I can think of. Where are the others?

Sabine's P.O.V: I land on the floor as Lyra takes control of the Phantom flying us into orbit but of course our retreat isn't enough for the Empire. They take there shot and send us flying away into Yavin. When I wake up I see nothing but dust flying around me and hear nothing but the soft buzzing in my ear. I sit up and look around to find no one in the Phantom with me. I sit up and when i finally stand i see Lyra outside on the ground sitting cress cross as it rains around her. One question floats in my head. Where are the other?

All with a different person in different places on the same planet. Yavin. They must find each other before the forces of evil find them and pull them apart for good. But one person is missing and she doesn't even know where she is. Who will find her. The rebels or her old Master?
That's it for now ;P

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