A Bunch of What if's part one

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Authors Note: Okay no one is commenting on what I should do for the rest of the book. I've sorted it out so I know what will happen with either choice. I'm trying to give you guys a choice on where this story goes but I guess you need more insensitive this chapter and the next will be clips from both outcomes to get you to think. I'm not telling you which one goes to which but you can guess and please tell me which way I'm going if you don't this book will be frozen in place unfinished. I'll shut up now and let you see what might be to come.

The fact that he, the great and powerful Lord Vader, knows who I am and why I'm here doesn't scare me. What does is the fact that he has made no move to attack me. I pace back and forth across my room my arms locked together behind my back my breaths short and sharp, the pressure on me growing by the seconds. He, Lord Vader, could kill me with just the squeeze of his own large cloves fist but he's left me alive and unharmed hidden among the Empire's mindless zombie troops. I turned around for the ten thousandth time but come to a immediate stop when I hear footsteps headed towards my door unlike any of the others. There not even and marked in a pattern as a troopers. I turned to the door of my grey room and wait to see if my torture has ended and Vader has come to do me in or reveal who and what I am. My door opens and a tall dark figure enters my room swiftly making his way over to me. The door close almost instantly not giving me a chance to run like a Imperial cell. I look up at the dark force user and wait for him to do or say something. He looks down at me through his mask before he turns and starts to leave my room. I step forwards quickly before speaking.

"Why haven't you exposed me to the others? Why are you torturing me like this?!" I ask my voice hysterical.

He turns his head to his right slightly before answering. "Because I will get what I want when I want it and right now young one everything is the way it needs to be." He says his cold voice charging throughout my room as he steps out and walks away the door to my room sliding back into place locking all light but the moon's out.

I just stand frozen in the same spot starring at the door where the dark Lord once stood. As the time slips past I grow colder and when I finally fall, literally, out of my trance I lay on the floor shivering. The only thing I can think is... What now? What if I call the others? What if that's what he wants? What if I don't call the others? What if that's what he wants? What if I just leave? What if THAT'S what he wants?!

******Much MUCH later******

She speaks slow her voice calm and light as if death is taunting us through her words. "Hello rebels."

November 3, 2015 4:50

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