Message from the lost - Kanan's P.O.V

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I wake up in my bed and look at my side to see Lyra not there. I sit up and look around then I remember she's missing. She was taken by bounty hunters. The door to my room opens and Hera walks in and sits next to me. I look at Hera and she gives a small smile but I can see the tears in her eyes. I pull her into a hug and she crys but we end up kissing. I pull away and look into her emerald green eyes. "We WILL find her and we WILL bring her home." I tell her and she smiles at me then falls into my chest her arms rapped around me. I still couldn't believe what happened.

(Flash back)

I run through the woods Ezra and Steel behind in front as we run. We had been in our cave resting when the force warned me of a dangerous presence. It had turned out to be two bounty hunters looking for criminals or orphans to sell to the Empire or Slave owners.

We ran into a clearing so we turned around and fired at them as they shot right back. I take a small glance at the other two and end up getting shot. I'm not sure where but I sure know it hurts like he'll. I hear Ezra scream my name and the pain in his voice is clear. I can feel his fear, worry, and confusion rolling off of him. I tape into our bond and I'm hit with waves of questions.

"How did he get hurt? Are there more? His he dead? Should I go check on him? Are these Imperials? Have they got the others?" So many questions hit me and they just add to mine. I feel another life form heading our way but what confuses me is it's female and very... Familiar.

Hera! Of course she'd end up hearing all the commotion and Ezra yell my name. I hear Ezra scream and something strikes our bond. I open my eyes to see Ezra on the ground blood pouring out of his right leg. I no longer can hear but I can see... For now. I see Steel run to guard Ezra and I see orange pants flashing across the ground. My eye sight getting blurred. I close my eyes and relax and focus on where I am. When I open my eyes again I look up to see Hera looking down at me her soft emerald green eyes on me. I see that her orange top is down and she wears her white croptop. The only time she ever did this was when she was making big repairs on the Ghost.

"Hera... Where is Lyra?" I ask her and her face shows the tiniest bit of fear and pain. They lost her to and with our luck those bounty hunters already got her and Sabine.

(End of Flash back)

I get up but Hera pulls me back down and glares at me. "I need to go see Sabine I'm just going to the Medi bay that should make you happy." I tell her and she gives me her 'i hate you' face as she lets go of my arm and leaves. I get up and ever so slowly walk to the Medi bay. When I get in Beway is scrambling around taking care of Ezra and Steel.

I do have to admit he's been helpful and he's made a difference on the Ghost but I still don't trust him. I don't really think I ever will trust him but Lyra wants me to expect that people can change so I try.

"Do or do not there is no try Master." I hear Lyra say and I fall to the floor in shock.

"Lyra are you okay? Where are you?" I ask her and I feel her slipping away.

"I can't talk now Kanan just listen to Sabine and Steel." She says then she's gone. I open my eyes, which I really I had no idea I closed, and I see Beway taking care of Ezra who stares at me.

"Kanan!" Ezra tells and tries to get up but Beway pushes him down.

"Told you he'd be fine." He tells Ezra and receives a strong glare as Ezra falls back down onto his bed. I see that Steel is gone. I look in front of me and see Sabine laying there watching me closely.

"Lyra said you could tell me what happened. She told me to listen to you and to Steel so spill it." I sat and she sighs.

"We were in the Phantom eating when she finished and stepped out. I watched her look around but the way she looked... It was like she knew something was missing. I got up and grabbed my blaster just as she told me to get my blasters. I put my hand on her shoulder and a few seconds later she was dragging me into the woods. He got into the trees and she pulled our stuff to us with the force. We saw them enter the Phantom then she dragged me away and told me to find the Ghost and to find you and Steel." She explains and I nod my head.

"Thank you Sabine it's alright now you can go to sleep your safe and we know what happened we'll get her just rest." I tell her and she nods her head and falls asleep instantly.

"It took a lot more than that for me to get her to relax." Beway grumbles making me chuckle.

"Well she doesn't stop till her mission is done." I tell him then leave the room to find Steel in my room with a holocron. I sit down on my bed and look at Steel. His clothes are ripped and shredded his hair a mess and his face covered in dirt with cuts littering that parts of him that I can see.

"Your a lot worse." He tells me as he sets the holocron down, crosses his legs, and opens the holocron. An image of Lyra pops up but what she's wearing scares me. She's wearing a very tight top with bangles and a small skirt with the same design.

"Kanan, Steel when you to get this please send me a message i'm afraid that the worst has happened. Steel... bounty hunters have taken me back you can't come to help me it has to be Kanan. They will recognize your armor." Lyra says then looks back at something behind her. "Explain everything to Kanan. I have to go before i get caught but please be safe. I love you both please be safe i hope to see you soon." Then she's gone. I look at Steel as he gets up.

"What did she mean? Where is she?" I ask him my voice harsh but I don't care.

"The bounty hunters we faced to Lyra to Jaba the Hutt and sold her back to him." He tells me falling against the wall.

"She told you to tell me... Tell me what exactly??" I ask him and he sighs.

"She wants me to tell you what happened while she was Jabba's slave last time." He tells me and I sit up straight as he begins. My only hope is that she's okay.

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