Hunt - Beway's P.O.V

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As Hera stays up to fix the comlink I head to Jarrus's room to meditate. She of course didn't know that i was up but she'd fine out sooner or later. I sit down on the floor and close my eyes trying to see where everyone is but only see Lyra, Kanan, and Ahsoka I can't find Zeb. They're all stuck in the woods. Lyra lays in the back of the Phantom and from the looks of it is unharmed. Kanan sits in a cave next to Steel. I look for Ahsoka but I can see her all I can feel when I head to her is... Darkness. It makes no since so I force my eyes open and get up. I look around the plain green room. I since so many emotions here for one so guarded and hidden. I sit down on the bottom bunk and cross my legs again to see what lingers in the room and who's emotions linger.


Something forms around me but it's so cloudy so I can't see. When everything clears up I see Lyra and Kanan laying down together. Jarrus gets up and slips away from his daughter without waking her. She breaths in sharply when he's out of bed completely and her head starts to shake. Hey eyes are squeezed closed as she starts to whimper. Jarrus stares at her waiting to see if she wakes I guess. Everything fades and something else comes into view.

I see Lyra in an Ally way running from troopers till a boy comes out of nowhere. Lyra yells at him to run away but all he does is watch her. He pulls out a blaster and shoots her in the arm. She falls to the ground and the boy gives an evil smile as Agent Kallus walks up to him.

Lyra wakes up scream and looking around. Jarrus runs up to her and hugs her to calm her down. "What was it?" He asks softly and she sobs into his shoulder.

"Just... Just a nightmare I'm fine." She says and Jarrus shakes his head.

"Lyra I know your lying to me." He says and she looks away. "Lyra tell me the truth." He tells her.

"I don't want to talk about it Kanan." She says sharply and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Fine Lyra." He says but he sighs. "Why will you never be open with me?!" He asks her angrily.

"Because you don't need to know everything." Lyra tells him and everything starts to fade.


I open my eyes and get up feeling someone's panic through the force but I know it's not Hera's. I walk to the ramp and see Sabine running over to me. I meet her half way to the Ghost and see she's freaking out pretty bed.

"Kanan I have to find Kanan!" The tells me looking around frantically. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"You can look for them later." I tell her and she shakes her head quickly.

"No no Lyra... Please Kanan I have to find Kanan!" She says. I slip my arm under her legs and one on her back pick her up and take her back to the Ghost.

"Hera Medi bay." I call and I hear her running to the Medi bay. I wait for Hera to reach the ladder and I pass Sabine up to her. Once I get up there Hera has laid Sabine down. "Sabine what happened to Lyra?" I ask her softly.

"Bounty Hunters took her I couldn't help her we have to find Kanan!" She says and I nod my head.

"We will. We will I promise. First get some sleep."

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